Here we are now. Savannah, one of the most beautiful American cities, is just a few hundred kilometers away. Two hundred, to be exact. We are going to enter Georgia again, but it won't be the highway, which we deliberately choose to skip, to take us to Savannah, but the parallel Coastal Highway, the "number 17". It's as monotonous as the highway to be honest but, as often happens in the "States", even the (seemingly) most boring road sections always have something to offer. Even if the towns you are passing through seem really out of this world. From Yulee to Waverly, from Brunswick to Darien. Yet, the little jewel always comes out ...
Siamo tra Darien e South Newport (Georgia), dove la fermata è davvero d'obbligo. Sulla destra, provenendo da sud lungo la Coastal Highway, troverete un cartello che recita "Smallest Church in America", la più piccola chiesa degli Stati Uniti. Hanno ragione loro, è davvero la più piccola chiesta del Nord America.
This is Darien, Georgia, where a quick stop is really a must. On the right, coming from the south along the Coastal Highway, you will find a sign that reads "Smallest Church in America". They're right, it's really the smallest church in North America.
Questo piccolo santuario è diventato nel corso degli anni una tappa obbligata per migliaia di viaggiatori della vicina I-95 (l'autostrada) e della US Highway 17 che stiamo percorrendo anche noi. Situata vicino al South Newport River, la chiesa fu costruita nel 1949 e rappresentò un sogno divenuto realtà per la signora Anges Harper, una droghiera locale. Voleva che la cappella fungesse da luogo di meditazione e riposo per i viaggiatori stanchi. Anche se piccola, la struttura non manca di carattere e bellezza con vetrate importate addirittura dall'Inghilterra.
This little sanctuary has become a stop for thousands of I-95 and US Highway 17 travelers. Situated near the South Newport River, the church was constructed in 1949, and represented a dream come true for Mrs. Anges Harper, a local grocer. She wanted the chapel to serve as a place of meditation and rest for weary travelers. Although small, the structure is not lacking in character and beauty with stained glass windows imported from England. Local ministers still lead non-denominational worship there every third Sunday and the church is very popular for it remains one of the most unique structures along the Georgia Coast Scenic Byway.

Local ministers still lead non-denominational worship there every third Sunday and the church is very popular for it remains one of the most unique structures along the Georgia Coast Scenic Byway. In the video we shot you can admire its interior and, of course, we couldn't miss the signature of one of the many guest books...

Well, during this "road to Savannah", however, there are several attractions that should not be missed. If the Smallest Church in America is a little known gem, the same can not be said for the Wormsloe Historic Site, located about ten miles southeast of Savannah (admission fee: $ 10 per person): that's the historic Savannah plantation! The tree-lined avenue leading from the entrance gate to the museum is stunningly beautiful and alone is worth the cost of admission. Driving or walking along the 2.4 km avenue of oaks with your own car, or on foot, in the silence of the plantation located in the heart of the Hope Island marshes, is in itself an almost mystical experience.
Il video introduttivo nel museo racconta le gesta dell'artefice di questo splendido luogo, ovvero Noble Jones (1700-1775), uno dei fondatori coloniali della Georgia. Il sito di 822 acri comprende, oltre al pittoresco viale ed al museo, anche le rovine della casa fortificata voluta da Jones ed un'area dimostrativa nella quale viene interpreta la vita quotidiana durante il periodo coloniale.
The introductory video in the museum tells about the deeds of the architect of this beautiful place, namely Noble Jones (1700-1775), one of the colonial founders of Georgia. The site consists of 822 acres (3.33 km2) protecting part of what was once the Wormsloe Plantation and includes of course the picturesque 1.5-mile (2.4 km) oak avenue and also the ruins of Jones' fortified house built of tabby,a museum, and a demonstration area interpreting colonial daily life.
Un breve trail vi permetterà di visitare tutti i luoghi (compresi nel biglietto d'ingresso) e fare davvero un tuffo indietro nel tempo, tra sabbie mobili e rovine storiche. Il capolavoro di Jones parte dal lontano 1736, quando ottenne una sovvenzione per 500 acri di terra sull'Isola della Speranza (Island of Hope) sulla quale avrebbe costituito il nucleo principale di Wormsloe.
A short trail will allow you to visit all the places (included in the entrance ticket) and really take a dip back in time, among quicksand and historical ruins. Jones's masterpiece began in 1736, when he applied for a lease for 500 acres (2.0 km2) on the south side of the Isle of Hope and began building a fortified house overlooking the Skidaway Narrows.
Costruì una casa fortificata sulla punta sud-orientale dell'isola, affacciata sullo Skidaway Narrows, una sezione strategica del fiume Skidaway situata a metà strada tra il centro di Savannah e l'Oceano Atlantico.
The house was constructed between 1739 and 1745 using wood and tabby, a crude type of concrete made from oyster shells and lime. The fortress consisted of 8-foot (2.4 m) high walls with bastions at each of its four corners. The fort house was 1.5 stories and had five rooms
La casa fortificata faceva parte di una rete di strutture difensive istituita da James Oglethorpe, fondatore della Georgia, e dai primi coloni della Georgia per proteggere Savannah da una potenziale invasione spagnola. Jones successivamente sviluppò Wormsloe trasformandola in una piccola piantagione che, nel 1973, fu acquistata dallo stato della Georgia e poi aperta al pubblico come "Historic Site".
The fortified house was part of a network of defensive structures set up by James Oglethorpe, founder of Georgia, and the first settlers of Georgia to protect Savannah from a potential Spanish invasion. Jones later developed Wormsloe into a small plantation that, in 1973, was purchased by the state of Georgia and then opened to the public as a "Historic Site".
Prima di raggiungere Savannah imbocchiamo la "Us Route 80"e puntiamo dritti verso la costa. Il paesaggio cambia, si respira aria di mare e la natura prende il sopravvento. Qui non ci sarebbe neppure bisogno delle "chicche" per rendere più affascinante il percorso. Davanti a voi si apriranno una serie di isolette una più bella dell'altra. L'ultima soprattutto, ovvero Tybee Island, è incantevole. Siamo in possesso del pass annuale dei parchi nazionali (America the Beautiful) e facciamo una brevissima sosta al Fort Pulaski National Monument.
Before reaching Savannah we take the "Us Route 80" and head straight towards the coast. The landscape is very different, there is a sea air and nature takes over. In this area close to the border with South Carolina, you would not even need the "goodies" to make the journey more fascinating. A series of small islands will appear in front you till reaching the last one, Tybee Island, which is also the best one. On the road to Tybee Island you shouldn't miss a quick stop af Fort Pulaski National Monument, an historical park managed by the National Parks Management.
Il ranger ci informa che il parco chiuderà alle 17 e che la maggior parte dei trail (in particolare quello che conduce al Cockspur Island Lighthouse) non sono percorribili a causa dei gravi danni provocati da Irma. Il forte è situato su una piccola isoletta, Cockspur Island, al confine tra la Georgia ed il South Carolina.
The ranger tells us that the park will close at 5 pm and that most of the trails (especially the one leading to Cockspur Island Lighthouse) are not accessibledue to the serious damage caused by Irma. Fort Pulaski is located on Cockspur Island about 15 miles away from Historic Savannah. The monument was named after the Revolutionary War Hero Casimir Pulaski and was established as a National Monument by President Calvin Coolidge in October of 1924.
Il monumento, costruito nel 1829, prende il nome dal rivoluzionario eroe di guerra Casimiro Pulaski ed è salito agli onori della cronaca in due riprese. La prima quando 134 uomini della Milizia di Stato occuparono il forte poco prima che la Georgia si separasse ufficialmente dal Unione, il 19 gennaio 1861.
Fort Pulaski didn’t see very much excitement until 134 men from the State Militia seized the fort a little bit before Georgia officially seceded from the Union on January 19 1861. It was kept under Confederate control for more than a year and then on April 10-11 Union Brigadier General Quincy Adams Gillmore began his assault against the Confederates soldiers in the fort.
La seconda quando, dopo essere rimasto sotto il controllo dei confederati per più di un anno, il generale di brigata dell'Unione Quincy Adams Gillmore lo assalì. Dopo 30 ore di mortai e cannoni rigati che bombardavano il forte, fu abbattuta parte del muro sud-est, costringendo il colonnello dei confederati Charles Olmstead ad arrendersi.
After 30 hours of mortars and rifled canons bombarding the fort a breach was made in the south east wall. This forced Confederate Colonel Charles H. Olmstead to surrender. With the union in control the fort was used to house the captured Confederate prisoners and also as a storage area for the ammunition taken from Fort McAllister after its fall in December 1864.
If you're planning to stay in the Savannah area for a few days, don't forget to combine a city tour with an excursion to Tybee Island, the easternmost point of Giorgia located near the Savannah river entrance (about 30 minutes far from Savannah, along the US-80 E). The great attraction of the whole area is the lighthouse, the Tybee Island Lighthouse (30 Meddin Dr.), the oldest and tallest lighthouse in Georgia (187 steps). Built in 1916, the Tybee Lighthouse stands next to the Tybee Museum: a single ticket allows you to visit both sites. The second major attraction is the white and wild beach, but it was really too cold and windy to get there in early januray.
(Tybee Island Lighthouse)
Towards the southern end there is the "Pier & Pavillion" (16th St.), the pier where you can fish, admire the Atlantic Ocean and have a picnic in the pavilion. In the summer, you can also visit the nearby Hilton Head Island. Tybee Island and Hilton Head Island are not that far, but the first one is located in Georgia, the second one in South Carolina and you'll have to circumnavigate the Savannah River to get there. It is the favorite destination for newly-weds Americans because it offers an intimate environment for escape, as well as of course many indoor and outdoor activities, shops and restaurants. The main attraction is a lighthouse again, the Harbour Town Light, which offers a spectacular view of the area south of Hilton Head. If you don't know where to spend your "stars and stripes" summer holidays and look for an alternative place, the coast of North Carolina, South Carolina and Georgia is definitely an area not to be missed.
(Tybee Island Lighthouse)
America's smallest church & Wormsloe Historic Site (LINK)
HOTEL: Clarion Inn and Suites - Savannah
VALUE: ****