After many trips around the world, we are going to take you to... Italy. To be exact, to Lombardy region, on the border with Switzerland, where one of the most enchanting natural places of the Val Bregaglia mountains (Valtellina) is located. If you are looking for a truly unmissable place in the province of Sondrio, you shouldn't miss the Acquafraggia Waterfalls, located a few kilometers north of Chiavenna, in the small town of Piuro. Switzerland is now one step away (the city of St Moritz) and this is the last great natural bulwark in Italy. Even Leonardo Da Vinci did not fail to mention the Acquafraggia waterfalls (they get their name from the latin "water fracta", which means steam interrupted by waterfalls) in his Codex Atlanticus...
Uno spettacolo con pochi eguali a due ore da Milano, un paradiso per gli amanti della montagna e delle camminate, per gli appassionati di fotografia, ma anche per coloro che vogliono evadere dal caos cittadino. Qui, infatti, si viene non soltanto se si vuol camminare (o fotografare), ma anche e soprattutto se ci si vuole rilassare facendo il bagno o semplicemente prendere il sole.
A natural beauty with few equals just two hours far from Milan, a paradise for mountain and hike lovers, for photography enthusiasts, but also for those who want to escape from the chaos of the city. Acquafraggia falls, in fact, is a paradise not only for people who want to hike (or take pictures), but also and above all for people who are looking for some relax, taking a bath or simply sunbathing.
E i due bar (di cui uno con "vista cascate") non mancheranno di allietare la vostra indimenticabile escursione in Valtellina, rendendo l'Acquafraggia uno dei luoghi davvero da non perdere quando si visita l'area più a nord della Lombardia.
And the two bars (one of them overlooks the falls!) will not fail to make your excursion in Valtellina unforgettable: Acquafraggia is really one of the truly unmissable places when visiting the northernmost area of Lombardy.
Come visitare le cascate dell'Acquafraggia? Le opzioni sono sostanzialmente due. La prima, e più semplice, dopo aver parcheggiato l'auto (non mancano i parcheggi non a pagamento a ridosso della chiesetta poco più a nord del Chrisa's bar), è godervi l'imponente getto della cascata da posizione privilegiatissima, ovvero dal basso.
How to visit the Acquafraggia waterfalls? The options are basically two. The first one is also the simplest one. Once you park your car in a parking lot (there is no lack of free of charge parking lots at the back of the church just north of the Chrisa's bar), you can immediately enjoy the impressive jet of the waterfall from a privileged position.
Senza alcuna fatica (se non una piccola passeggiata di circa 200 metri) vi ritroverete a ridosso delle cascate dell'Acquafraggia. I più pigri potranno fermarsi nel torrente e fare il bagno, oppure rilassarsi sul prato circostante le cascate.
Without any effort (yust a 0.1 mile walk walk) you will get very close to the Acquafraggia waterfalls. The lazy ones can stop in the stream and take a bath, or relax on the lawn surrounding the falls.
I più sportivi potranno invece percorrere il sentiero ad anello (Sentiero Panoramico) di 9 km con un dislivello di quasi 600 metri che vi condurrà sino al rifugio Savogno. Il percorso ovviamente vi permetterà di arrivare anche in cima alle cascate stesse. Il sentiero è adatto a tutti (seppur non semplicissimo).
On the other hand, the more athletic people will be able to follow the 5.5 miles loop path (Sentiero Panoramico) with an elevation gain of 600 meters that will lead you to the Savogno shelter. The trail will also allow you to get to the top at the top of the falls of course. The path is suitable for everyone (although it's not an easy trail).

The "shortest" trail is the one that substantially overhangs the waterfall. Reach the church we mentioned early (the waterfall is on your right) and follow the "percorso panoramico" (panoramic trail) up to the first stream. Do not cross the small bridge, just follow the path to the right until you reach the summit of the falls. Descend from the left side of the falls and admire the disruptive power of its waters.
The "short" route gives yourself about one hour and a half (including stops) and is what we recommend for those who are willing to make a "little effort" to enjoy one of the most beautiful places in Lombardy.
Noi abbiamo percorso parte del trail di 9 km, spingendoci ad est sino al piccolo villaggio di Cranna, superando il piccolo ponte che dovrete ricordarvi di non oltrepassare se avrete optato per il sentiero più corto.
We have covered part of the5.5 miles loop trail, propelling ourselves farher to the east till reaching the the small village of Cranna, crossing the small bridge that you must remember not to cross if you have opted for the shortest path.
(Cranna Bridge)

Raggiunta Cranna non abbiamo proseguito lungo il "sentiero panoramico", ma siamo tornati sui nostri passi e percorso parte del tragitto "corto" in direzione cascate. Cranna è "famosa" per il suo "terrazzo" dal quale si può ammirare tutta la val Bregaglia ed ovviamente anche Chiavenna.
When we finally got to Cranna, we did not continue along the "panoramic path", but we retraced our steps and walked part of the "short" route towards the waterfalls. Cranna is "famous" for its "terrace" from which you can admire the whole Val Bregaglia and of course also the town of Chiavenna.
At the bottom of Cranna Terrace stands Palazzo Vertemate Franchi. The church of San Giuseppe was built in 1674 to protect the village from the wolves that infested the area.
Per chi vorrà completare l'anello di 9 km, ad attenderli ci saranno altri due splendidi borghi. Il primo è Dasile ed il secondo (dove troverete anche un rifugio) è Savogno. Per raggiungere il borgo non esiste strada carrozzabile, ma una gradinata che conduce sino agli 800 metri del ripiano di Savogno.
For those who want to complete the 5.5 miles loop trail, there are two more beautiful villages to visit. The first is Dasile and the second (where you will also find a shelter) is Savogno. there are no roads which leads to the villlage, just many steps leading up to 800 meters leading to the shelf of Savogno.
Pensate che è possibile (in orari prestabiliti) fingersi cappellani e suonare le campane della chiesa di San Bernardino, situata nel cuore di un paese che dal 1967 fino a pochi anni fa è stato sostanzialmente una piccolissima città fantasma.
Just think that you can (at fixed times) pretend to be chaplains and ring the bells of the church of San Bernardino, located in the heart of a town that has been a ghost town from 1967 until a few years ago.
Oggi sta lentamente riprendendo vita grazie anche alla presenza del rifugio che offre ristoro. Raggiunto il borgo di Savogno potrete cominciare la discesa sino al luogo di partenza, con le cascate dell'Acquafraggia a fare da sfondo sostanzialmente da metà percorso sino alla sua conclusione.
Today it is slowly recovering thanks to the presence of the shelter that offers refreshment. At the village of Savogno you can begin the descent to the place of departure, with the Acquafraggia waterfalls to act as a background substantially from the middle of the path until its conclusion.
If you are planning to visit the Acquafraggia waterfalls, another must-see place is Prosto, a tiny town close to Piuro (1 km from the waterfalls). The town is famous all over the world for the "biscottini di Prosto" (Prosto's biscuits) which have produced for centuries by the Del Curto family in the ancient mill of Piuro (via alla chiesa 3, Prosto di Piuro - The recipe is a secret and has been passed down through generations. Until the beginning of the 20th century, biscuits have been prepared in all the families of the town for the holidays, in particular for weddings or for the patronal feast. The inhabitants used to bake the biscuits at the only local oven, the one at the "Mill" owned by the Del Curto family. The ancient home of the Del Curto, dating back to the 1600s, is still known today as Il Mulino (the Mill), which provided flour to the surroundings and to the nearby Switzerland. Over the years, the families began to buy the biscuits directly at the mill, where they are still produced and packed by the sisters Monica and Simonetta. The biscuits require the mixture, the shape, the cut and the packaging all by hand, to guarantee the desired fragrance and not to alter the ancient local traditions.