if what you're needing is peace, quiet and nature. Today is the day of the Yosemite National Park, a classic "must see place" in an on the road in California: it offers spectacular waterfalls, giant trees, cliffs and rivers which attract more than three and a half million visitors every year. We are driving along the "41", leaving the Central Valley and heading to the National Park coming from the south side, the part we missed during our first trip to Yosemite in 2011. Yosemite Np is a classic stop during a trip to the West Coast and attracts many tourists coming from San Francisco or from the Death Valley. This is the reason why it's always very crowded...
Il tratto che da Fresno porta al Yosemite National Park è un susseguirsi di farm e, tanto per cambiare, ne scegliamo una per fare rifornimento, la Sumner Peck Ranch Winery and Fruit Stand. I colori della farm ci ispirano, ci abbiamo visto lungo. Il proprietario ed i commessi ci ricordano ancora una volta perchè amiamo l'America e gli americani. Ci regalano parecchi depliant su Yosemite e ci offrono un bicchiere di una granita squisita, al melograno. Come fai a non amarli?
The stretch of road from Fresno to Yosemite National Park is a succession of farms, and we can't really skip them. One of the best is Sumner Peck Ranch Winery and Fruit Stand. The colors of the farm inspire us.. and we were right! The owner and the store clerk remind us once again the reason why we love America and the Americans. They give us several brochures about Yosemite for free and offer us a glass of an exquisite pomegranate slushie. How are we supposed to not love them?
The first visitor center we encounter as soon as we enter the park is the Wawona Visitor Center. Unfortunately, the whole area of Mariposa Grove is closed for maintenance and the consequence is that we can not hike the first trail of the day: 2.2 miles within a giant sequoia forest. Never mind, the previous day we saw the most beautiful sequoia in the world ... In Wawona there is a chance to admire a covered bridge and above all, the free of charge Pioneer Yosemite History Center museum, but once you take the Glacier Road you finally get into the heart of Yosemite National Park.
Come noi, tuttavia, sono in tantissimi i turisti che hanno intenzione di percorrerla e, nonostante siano solo le 10 del mattino, un ranger ci spiega che l'unico modo per raggiungere Glacier Point è tramite la navetta (gratuita) messa a disposizione dal parco stesso. Sono diverse le fermate, noi decidiamo di scendere a Sentinel Dome e percorrere il primo trail di giornata.
Many tourists like us are planning to drive this road and, even though it is only 10 am, a ranger tells us that the only way to reach Glacier Point is through the free shuttle service provided by the park. There are several stops, but we decide to get off the bus at the Sentinel Dome stop. It's time to hike the first trail of the day!
(Sentinel Dome)
Da qui ne partono due, uno più bello dell'altro: il Taft Point and Fissures (2.2 miglia) passa attraverso una foresta ombreggiata e poi in mezzo alle"Fissures", profondi squarci nel granito della larghezza di circa 1 metro. La vista all'arrivo è impagabile (e non ci sono barriere), come del resto anche quella che avrete al termine del Sentinel Dome Trail (3.5 km) che conduce in cima al Sentinel Dome, una sorta di enorme palla di granito dalla quale si può ammirare non solo l'intera valle, ma anche le Yosemite Falls ed El Capitan, il più alto monolito nudo di granito al mondo e uno dei principali simboli dell'intero parco.
Two beautiful trails start here: the Taft Point and Fissures (2.2 miles) passes through a shady forest and then in the middle of the "Fissures", deep grants in the granite about 1 meter wide. It's Glacier Point without the guardrails. The trail to Taft Point is just another walk in the woods, but you'll never forget Taft Point itself. You can walk right up to the cliff's edge and peer straight down, unencumbered by the stone walls that hem the visitors in at Glacier Point. The sight on arrival is priceless as well as what you will get at the end of the Sentinel Dome Trail (3.5 km) which leads to the top of the Sentinel Dome. Hiking to the top of Sentinel Dome is by far Yosemite's easiest way to experience miles and miles of views in whatever direction you care to turn. You'll see down Yosemite Valley, the Yosemite falls and El Capitan, a 3,000 vertical feet of sheer rock granite.
Well, you'll get the best view on El Capitan once you reach the very last view points, whether you're on the Glacier Road driving your car, or hiking a trail.
(sentinel dome trail)
Washburn Point e, soprattutto, Glacier Point, nonostante la mole di turisti, sono un must per chi stia visitando Yosemite National Park, con la valle, i monoliti, le cascate tutti in una sola immagine. La zona più fotografata del parco è, ovviamente, questa.
Washburn Point and above all, Glacier Point, despite the crowds of tourists, are a must for those visiting Yosemite National Park, with the valley, the monoliths, the falls all in one picture. The most photographed area of the park is, of course, this one.
It's time to leave Glacier Road and take Wawona Road again (which later becomes Southside Dr) and reach the most famous area of the park (and also the busiest), the Yosemite Valley, where you can find a visitor center and some hotel. The most famous one is certainly The Majestic Yosemite, where the former US President Obama stayed while visiting the park. The first impressive view point is Tunnel Point, but the main attraction of this part of the park is definitely Yosemite Falls. A short trail that starts right from the Visitor Center (lenght: 1.6 km, duration: 30 minutes) and leads to the falls. We are very lucky: peak runoff typically occurs in May or June, with some waterfalls (including Yosemite Falls) often only a trickle or completely dry by August. Why are we lucky? Because, even if it's august, the falls are full of water! There are also many tourists and it's not easy even to find a parking lot free. From this point of view, "God bless" Northern California and Oregon...
Avremmo un altro trail da percorrere nella nostra tabella di marcia, ma il tempo è tiranno. Nel caso aveste la possibilità il suo nome è Cook’s Meadow Loop, un sentiero ad anello di 1.6 km da attaccare nei pressi della fermata "5" o "9" dello shuttle a ridosso del Yosemite Valley Visitor Center. Si tratta di un trail ad anello che vi porterà nei pressi di alcuni stupendi point of view di Yosemite Falls, Half Dome, Glacier Point e Sentinel Rock. Noi invece siamo già quasi in cima al Tioga Pass, un tratto altrettanto bello del parco di Yosemite e che già avevamo avuto modo di visitare nel 2011. Si sale di quota fino a 3031 metri e non è raro trovare pioggia e neve anche ad agosto. E' il regno dei laghi, bellissimi, e di una montagna che fa tanto Europa ma anche Canada. Uno dei possibili stop è ad Olmsted Point, da qui un breve trail vi condurrà sino al bellissimo Tenaya Lake.
There should be another trail to hike, but it's too late. Its name is Cook's Meadow Loop, a 1.6 km loop trail which starts at the shuttle stops number 5 and 9, near Yosemite Valley visitor center. This loop will take you close to some magnificent point of view of Yosemite Falls, Half Dome, Glacier Point and Sentinel Rock. Instead, we're on the top of the Tioga Pass (already visited in 2011), which is just as beautiful as the Yosemite Valley and Glacier Point: It rises up to 3031 meters and it is not unusual to find rain and snow even in August. It is the kingdom of beautiful lakes: it seems to be in Europe or in Canada. One of the possible stops you can make is at Olmsted Point, where a short trail will take you to the beautiful Tenaya Lake.
Non appena scollinati sul Tioga Pass, una lunga discesa vi condurrà nella cittadina di Lee Vining, la prima che incontrerete dopo diverso tempo. Svoltiamo a destra lungo la Highway 395 e poi subito a sinistra, sulla non asfaltata rush creek road. La nostra berlina è messa a dura prova e, col senno di poi, avremmo potuto continuare sulla 395 e svoltare successivamente a sinistra (120 - Mono Lake Basin Road), ma l'obiettivo finale lo raggiungiamo ugualmente. Si chiama Mono Lake, il cui ingresso è gratuito se si possiede il pass annuale dei national park (altrimenti il costo è di 3 dollari a persona).
As soon as you get to the Tioga Pass, a long descent will take you to the town of Lee Vining, one of the main "Yosemite gate town". We turn right along Highway 395 and then right on the left, on the unpaved rush creek road. This is not a good idea: we would have continued on the 395 and then turn left (120 - Mono Lake Basin Road) and finally get to Mono Lake. The dirt road doesn't sotp us, it's time to visit one of the highlight of the day, the Mono Lake ($3 per person, free of charge if you get the national park annual pass).
Mono Lake è un lago alcalino con altissima concentrazione salina. E' nato si pensa più di 700.000 anni fa (secondo più vecchio d’america) e salì agli onori della cronaca negli anni '60 fu parzialmente prosciugato per fornire acqua al sud dello stato della California. Da quel momento emersero le formazioni calcaree che si formarono 13.000 anni fa e che lo rendono di fatto un lago unico nel suo genere. Eppure, nonostante ciò, continua ad essere snobbato dalla una buona parte dei turisti che, una volta raggiunta Lee Vining, puntano dritto verso la ghost town di Bodie evitando il lago.
Located in California's spectacular Eastern Sierra, Mono Lake is an oasis in the dry Great Basin and a vital habitat for millions of migratory and nesting birds. It's an alkaline lake with very high saline concentration. It was born more than 700,000 years ago (second oldest in America) and hit the headlines in the 60s when was partially drained to supply water to the south of the state of California. From that moment the tufa formations which was formed 13,000 years ago, appeared and made Mono Lake a unique lake. Many people still prefer visiting the ghost town of Bodie instead of Mono Lake while visiting Yosemite, but we recommend not to skip this beautiful place.
Ci sono pochi luoghi in California, e forse nel resto del mondo, che possono indurvi a credere di trovarvi su Marte. Questo è uno di quelli. In questa riserva naturale ad alta quota nel deserto, sul lato orientale delle alte cime della Sierra, le spettrali torri di tufo marcano il confine di un lago vecchio di milioni di anni, il residuo salmastro di un antico mare interno. Nella copertina dell'album "wish you were here" dei Pink Floyd c'è proprio il Mono Lake. Siamo noi e pochissimi altri a visitarlo, ma il tempo non è clemente. Il tanto aspettato tramonto al South Tufa del Mono Lake purtroppo non ci sarà, ma anche solamente percorrere il piccolo trail all'interno della South Tufa Area regala grandi emozioni. La South Tufa area è la zona a sud del lago, sicuramente la più fotogenica perchè più ricca di "tufa", le formazioni rocciose che contraddistinguono il Mono Lake. (http://www.monolake.org/visit/southtufa).
There are few places in California, and perhaps all over the world, which may lead you to believe that this is Mars. This is one of those. In this reserve in the high desert, on the eastern side of the high peaks of the Sierra, the ghostly tufa towers mark the border of an old lake born millions of years ago, the rocky remnant of an ancient inner sea. A curiosity: on the cover of the Pink Floyd's album "wish you were here" you can see the Mono Lake. Few tourists but also bad weather, which not allow us to admire the world famous Mono Lake sunset at the South Tufa. It is located on the south side of the lake, surely the most photogenic area because richer in Tufa, the rock formations that distinguish Mono Lake. (Http://www.monolake.org/visit/southtufa).
There are few places in California, and perhaps all over the world, which may lead you to believe that this is Mars. This is one of those. In this reserve in the high desert, on the eastern side of the high peaks of the Sierra, the ghostly tufa towers mark the border of an old lake born millions of years ago, the rocky remnant of an ancient inner sea. A curiosity: on the cover of the Pink Floyd's album "wish you were here" you can see the Mono Lake. Few tourists but also bad weather, which not allow us to admire the world famous Mono Lake sunset at the South Tufa. It is located on the south side of the lake, surely the most photogenic area because richer in Tufa, the rock formations that distinguish Mono Lake. (Http://www.monolake.org/visit/southtufa).
La sede di tappa non sarà Lee Vining, bensì Bridgeport, situata una ventina di miglia a nord. Bridgeport è la classica cittadina del west, con poco più di 500 abitanti ed una sola via principale, fatta di motel, ristoranti e negozietti. Non ci sono gli ingredienti perchè possa essere una delle serate più belle di sempre, eppure al Rhino Bar & Grill avremo l'ennesima prova di quanto anche le serate apparentemente più insignificanti possano essere speciali. Un gruppo di amici,tra cui anche un ragazzo che scopriremo poi essere un poliziotto di Reno, Nevada "decidono" che "noi per stasera saremo dei loro", tra shot di whisky e tante risate. E anche qualche parolaccia, rigorosamente in italiano, che i ragazzi hanno voluto imparare.
The final stage won't be Lee Vining, but Bridgeport, located twenty miles north. Bridgeport is the classic western gate town with just over 500 inhabitants and one major street, made up of motels, restaurants and boutiques. This shouldn't be one the best nights ever, but this is America and never say never. W're at Rhino Bar & Grill eating delicious chicken wings and learning how even the most insignificant evening may be special. A bunch of friends, two guys (one of the is a policeman in Reno, Nevada) "decides" that we're going to be part of their team tonight. This is, like, the best time we can ever remember us having: whiskey shot and lots of laughter. And even some bad words, strictly in Italian, that the guys wanted to learn. God bless America.
"I love this bar,
It's my kind of place.
Just walk in through the front door,
Puts a big smile on my face.
It ain't too far, come as you are.
Mm, mm, mm, mm, mm, I love this bar"
Toby Keith - I love this bar
(downtown Bridgeport, Ca)
HOTEL: Walker River Lodge - Bridgeport
VALUE: ***
Yosemite & Mono Lake
I fruit stand e... le serate indimenticabili