It is said that the most beautiful image of the Oregon coast is the Yaquina Bay Bridge, also known as Newport Bridge, wrapped in the typical morning mist. One cannot disagree with the oregonians, they are always right. This is the last day in the state, or better yet the last portion of the day, because at the end of the day... it will be California and honestly, we're already missing the "Pacific Wonderland". It 's a weird day, made by fog and melancholy and the Yaquina Bay Bridge seems to be the perfect picture: that is one of the most recognizable architectural works of the whole Oregon.
Si affaccia su uno dei porti più frequentati della costa e la miglior visuale su di esso l'avrete dal Yaquina Bay State Natural Area, all'interno del quale sorge il Yaquina Bay Lighthouse, un piccolo faro costruito nel 1871 poco dopo la fondazione della città di Newport, nel lato nord della Yaquina Bay che a quel tempo era di fatto il porto più importante tra Puget Sound e San Francisco. Restò attivo solamente per tre anni, fino alla costruzione del più famoso Yaquina Head Lighthouse, situato tre km a nord. I due fari, dal nome simile, non vanno confusi. Il Yaquina Head Lighthouse non solo è più famoso, ma è anche il più grande faro dell'Oregon. Lo troverete all'interno della Yaquina Head Outstanding Area (ingresso 7 dollari per vettura).
It overlooks one of the busiest harbours on the coast and you'll get the best view of it from the Yaquina Bay State Natural Area. The Yaquina Bay Lighthouse stands within this natural area: it's a small lighthouse built in 1871 shortly after the foundation of the city of Newport, on the north side of Yaquina Bay which at that time was the most important harbour between Puget Sound and San Francisco. It was active for only three years due to the establishment of the most famousYaquina Head Light in 1873, located 3 miles (4.8 km) north of Yaquina Bay. The two lighthouses have a similar name and should not be confused. The Yaquina Head Lighthouse is not only more famous, it is also the largest lighthouse in Oregon. You will find it within the Yaquina Head Outstanding Area (admission fee: 7 dollars per car).
(Yaquina Bay Lighthouse)
Poco dopo aver attraversato il Newport Bridge incrocerete l'Acquarium Village, una pittoresca serie di negozi locali disegnati in modo molto strano (3101 SE Ferry Slip Rd, Newport) non lontano dal Newport Acquarium e una volta entrati nella cittadina di Yachacts, anche il Yachats River Covered Bridge, uno dei "ponti coperti" più fotogenici della zona. Non è semplicissimo da trovare perchè disperso nel bosco lungo una stradina sterrata, ma inserendo questo indirizzo nel gps non dovreste avere problemi (8End of North Fork Road, Yachats).
Shortly after crossing the Newport Bridge you will see the Acquarium Village, a quirky arts shopping area just south of the Newport Bay Aquarium. Old fiberglass pirate statues and seaport roadside attraction-esque sea creatures decorate the outside of funky art studios resembling old ships (3101 SE Ferry Slip Rd, Newport). Once you enter the town of Yachacts, don't miss the very photogenic Yachats River Covered Bridge: it is not easy to find because it's lost in the woods along a dirt road, but if you punch this address into the GPS you should find this place (8End of North Fork Road, Yachats).
Siamo all'interno della Siuslaw National Forest, la cui attrazione principale è sicuramente Cape Perpetua Overlook, punto più alto della costa. In cima svetta il West Shelter, il punto di osservazione creato nel 1933 ma, la nebbia "fantozziana" ci impedisce di vedere anche solo a qualche metro di distanza, figuriamoci in lontananza. Fu il capitano Cook a scoprire per primo questo affascinante sito, un gioiello tra i tanti di questo tratto di costa. La parte più vicina alla costa del Cape Perpetua, risparmiata dalla nebbia, ha come fermata il Devil's Churn, con le sue onde che violentissime s'infrangono sugli scogli.
We are in the heart of the Siuslaw National Forest, whose main attraction is undoubtedly Cape Perpetua Overlook, the highest point on the coast. The West Shelter, the observation point created in 1933, stands at the top, but it's very very foggy and we can't really see anything. Captain Cook first discovered this fascinating site, a jewel among many of this stretch of coast. The part closest to the Cape Perpetua coast is the home of the Devil's Churn, with its violent waves which breaks on the rocks.
Da qui parte inoltre il bellissimo Captain Cook Trail, un loop di 1.2 km che conduce agli altri due fiori all'occhiello dell'area, Spouting horn, dove si ammira un forte getto d'acqua che schizza fuori da una grotta marina, e soprattutto Thor's Well.
The beautiful Captain Cook Trail, a 0.5 mile moderately trafficked loop trail that leads to the other two flagships of the area, Spouting horn and Thor's Well.
(captain Cook trail)
We had great expectations about Thor's Well: it's all "google fault" thanks to all the pictures we found about this mystical place on the Oregon coast. Unfortunately this is a bad day, it's raining day and Thor's Well is going to a disappointment. What is Thor's Well? It is a unique natural depression where sea water constantly flows. Also known as the drainpipe of the Pacific, the well is actually a hole in the rock that only appears to drain water from the ocean. In reality the huge hole is likely only around 20 feet deep. Even if the well is not quite as magic as it seems, it still manages to produce amazing sights.
To be able to enjoy the show, however, high tide is necessary. It means you can see the water which constantly flow into the depression just as if there was a hole in the ocean. The wind then favors the formation of the waves which, while breaking on the rocks, creates a sort of geyser, allowing Thor's Well to attract tens of photographers every day. However, reaching it is not that easy, the rocks are very slippery and you'll need to be very careful.
(Thor's well trail)
La leggenda locale racconta di come Thor's Well sia la porta d'ingresso ad un nascosto mondo sottomarino che, tuttavia, noi non scopriremo mai. Piove e c'è bassissima marea. Ci penserà google a venirvi in soccorso...
Local legend tells how Thor's Well is the gateway to a hidden underwater world that, however, we will never discover. It is raining and there's low tide. Google is definitely better...
(Thor's Well by "google)
L'Oregon è terra di magia a livello naturale e, anche se non abbiamo potuto ammirare Thor's Well nel massimo del suo splendore, c'è sempre qualcosa di incredibile ed inatteso dietro l'angolo pronto ad aspettarci. Succede immancabilmente anche questa volta e basta percorrere la "101" per qualche chilometro in direzione sud. Ad attenderci c'è l'Heceta Head State Scenic View Point (ingresso 5 dollari) con uno dei fari più fotografati degli Usa, l'Heceta Head Lighthouse. Un trail di mezzo miglio in salita conduce prima al caratteristico bed and breakfast con vista oceano e poi al "lighthouse".
Oregon is a magic natural wonderland and, altough we haven't bee able to admire Thor's Well
at its height, there is always something incredible and unexpected around the corner waiting for us. It happens again just driving the "101" for a few miles to the south. The Heceta Head State Scenic View Point (admission 5 dollars) has one of the most photographed lighthouses in the US, the Heceta Head Lighthouse. A short uphill traill trail leads first to the quaint bed and breakfast overlooking the ocean and then to the lighthouse.
La vista, nonostante la nebbia, è impareggiabile, con le acque violente dell'oceano pacifico a fare da sfondo, la spiaggia di "Heceta" ed il piccolo Cape Creek Bridge a fare capolino tra la foschia.
The view, despite the fog, is incomparable, with the violent waters of the Pacific Ocean as a backdrop, the Heceta beach and the small Cape Creek Bridge peeping through the mist.

Before entering Florence, several road signs will indicate that this is the home of sea lions. Visiting the Sea Lion Caves is probably the best way to admire them: they are located several hundred meters below Highway 101 and boast the record of "the largest sea caves in the world". We, however, prefer a more direct touch with nature and our patience will be repaid at the end of the day. Florence is instead the classic coastal town, with its downtown (along Bay street) overlooking the Siuslaw River. A good restaurant is Waterfront Depot restaurant (1252 Bay St), but it's only open from 4pm to 10pm. If you're looking for a good Italian style espresso (with ceramic mug), the place for you is Old Town Coffee Co (125 1 / 2 Nopal).
Anyway, Florence has ended up on the maps of American tourism because of the Oregon Dunes National Recreation Area, probably the most famous 40 miles of the entire Oregon coast. You can find some of the largest sand dunes in the US which locals enjoy riding with the Dunes Buggies. The Oregon Dunes are a unique area of windswept sand that is the result of millions of years of wind and rain erosion on the Oregon Coast. These are the largest expanse of coastal sand dunes in North America. Some dunes tower up to 500 feet (150 m) above sea level, providing numerous recreational opportunities including off-road vehicle use, hiking, photography, fishing, canoeing, horseback riding, and camping. The Carter Dunes Trail and Oregon Dunes Day Use provide disabled access for forest visitors.
Il primo stop che consigliamo è lungo la sand dunes road, ma è al miglio 200.8, al Oregon Dunes Overlook, il primo vero luogo dal quale ammirarle in tutta calma. Se è vero che, solamente avventurandosi al loro interno su un fuoristrada permette di goderne appieno lo spettacolo, anche i view point, con l'oceano a fare da sfondo, sanno regalare paesaggi da cartolina.
The first stop we recommend is along the sand dunes road, but the best place to admire them is at mile marker 200.8, at the Oregon Dunes Overlook. We know that the best way to explore the Oregon Sand Dunes is on a all-terrain vehicle, but also the many viewpoints can give some spectacular views.
Le dunes si estendono sino a Reedsport, dove potrete ammirare l'ennesimo faro (Umpqua Lighthouse State Park) oppure, con una piccolissima deviazione, anche gli alci. Basterà entrare nel Dean Creek Elk Viewing Area, situata tre miglia ad est della città. Noi invece proseguiamo verso Coos Bay dove purtroppo siamo costretti a rinunciare per questioni di tempo a due state park molto interessanti. Il primo è Sunset Bay State Park, sostanzialmente una spiaggia rinchiusa in una baia. Il panorama è molto bello e la leggenda vuole che da qui si goda di uno dei migliori tramonti dell'Oregon Coast. Il secondo è invece il Shore Acres State Park, un giardino botanico nel quale sono contenute ogni singola rosa che abbia vinto negli ultimi decenni il titolo di miglior rosa dell'anno. Dopo tutto, siamo o no nello stato delle rose?
The dunes extend as far as Reedsport, where you can admire the lighthouse (Umpqua Lighthouse State Park) or, with a very quick detour, even some elk. Just enter the Dean Creek Elk Viewing Area, located three miles east of the city. Anyway we prefer tocontinue towards Coos Bay where unfortunately we are forced to skip two very interesting state parks because as usual we're very late. The first one is the Sunset Bay State Park, basically a beach enclosed in a bay. The landscape is very beautiful and legend says that you can enjoy one of the best sunsets on the Oregon Coast. The second one is the Shore Acres State Park, a botanical garden containing every single rose that has won the title of best rose of the year in the last decades. After all, are we in the state of roses or not?
Visitiamo invece il più bello dei tre state park, Cape Arago, un viewpoint sull'oceano situato poco più a sud del Shore Acres. Dalla scogliera posta a 46 metri sul livello del mare di Cape Arago, una sorta di enorme finestra sul mare, potrete godere di una vista sull'oceano con pochissimi eguali.
Well, even if it's late we can't really miss the most beautiful of the three stake parks in this area, Cape Arago, an ocean viewpoint located just south of the Shore Acres. From the cliff at 46 meters above sea level of Cape Arago, there's a sort of huge window overlooking the sea where you can enjoy an ocean view with very few equals.
Da qui spesso e volentieri fanno capolino le balene. mentre lungo le vicinissime Simpson Reef e la Shell Island, farete conoscenza con elefanti marini, otarie e foche. I leoni marini della California sono decisamente rumorosi e la conferma l'avrete nel video in fondo al post. Ogni estate si ritrovano a Cape Arago per oltre tre mesi si lasciano andare in riunioni dai toni quasi assordanti.
Sometimes whales resurfacing here, while along the nearby Simpson Reef and Shell Island, you would see (and hear) elephant seals, sea lions and seals. California sea lions are definitely noisy. Every summer they meet up at Cape Arago for more than three months and their "meetings" are very very noisy.
Noi, a dirla tutta, ne sentiamo un altro di rumore. Quello dell'Oregon che sta per lasciare spazio alla California. Ci siamo, quel paradiso terrestre chiamato Oregon sta per salutarci, ma non sembra voler smettere con le sorprese. La cittadina di Bandon, uno degli ultimi baluardi dello stato, ci colpisce non solo per la sua Old Town...
To be honest, we're hearing another noise. That of Oregon, which we're about to leave. Here we are, that earthly paradise called Oregon is about to greet us, but doesn't stop giving. The town of Bandon, one of the last bastions of the state, is charming not only thanks to its Old Town ...
... ma anche e soprattutto per le sue spiagge. La forma ed il numero di faraglioni è impressionante, ognuno di essi potrebbe tranquillamente essere una scultura di un museo. Dove siamo? Nel Bandon Ocean State Wayside e percorrendo un trail di un miglio è possibile giungere sino alla spiaggia.
... but also and above all for its beaches. The shape and number of stacks is very impressive: each of them could easily be a sculpture of a museum. Where we are? Into the Bandon Ocean State Wayside and along a trail (1 mile) that leads to the beach.
"Face Rock" is waiting for us. Face Rock is a large monolith that recalls a woman, whose presence has always been closely linked to the beliefs of the Native Americans. It is located within the Face Rock State Scenic View Point.
If you're traveling with kids don't miss the Prehistoric Garden, where dinosaurs are reproduced in their natural environment. If you continue south along the "101" you will enter the city of Gold Beach and then the Samuel Boardman State Scenic Corridor. A mile after entering the protected area (mile marker 346) do not miss the natural bridge viewpoint: from this viewpoint you can take a picture of the arch of rock and the remains of a collapsed sea caves.
Altri possibili stop sono Cape Ferrelo Viewpoint, Thomas Creek Bridge Viewpoint (il ponte più grande dell’Oregon) ed Harris Beach State Park.
Other possible stops are Cape Ferrelo Viewpoint, Thomas Creek Bridge Viewpoint (Oregon's largest bridge) and Harris Beach State Park.
Quando avrete raggiunto la cittadina di Brookings significherà che, una volta salutata, sarà... California. A Brookings famosissimo è l'Azalea Park, un parco molto bello e ricco di eventi, soprattutto in maggio e giugno. Brookings tra l'altro fu l'unica città della terraferma americana bombardata nel corso della storia a stelle e strisce. Era il 1942 quando un aereo giapponese bombardò l’intera foresta con l’intenzione di bruciarla, ma fallì nella missione. La tappa finale di giornata è invece Crescent City, la "gate town" del Redwoods National Park e anche una delle tre città meno "affascinanti" della spedizione. No, non è perchè siamo di parte ed abbiamo lasciato il cuore in Oregon. Crescent City, California, è proprio bruttina...
When you reach the town of Brookings it will mean that you're going to say goodbye to Oregon. It's time to come back to... California. A very famous place in Brookings is Azalea Park, a very beautiful and eventful park, especially in May and June. Brookings, by the way, was the only city in the American mainland that had been bombarded throughout american history. It was 1942 when a Japanese plane bombed the entire forest with the intention of burning it, but the mission failed. We're going to spend the night in Crescent City, the Redwoods National Park gate town and also one of the three less "fascinating" towns of the on the road. No, it's not because we've left our hearts in Oregon. Crescent City, California, is just an ugly town...
(Samuel Boardman State Scenic Corridor)
HOTEL: Americas Best Value Inn - Crescent City
Oregon dunes e...i leoni marini
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