The quick Christmas on the road allows us to talk about a different America, that of the parks. No, not those that we have always talked about: it's time to talk about the... amusement parks. A small excursus in a world that, although, having had the opportunity to get to know it very well, never got a chapter in our blog. After all, if you're in Orlando, in the realm of Disney fun and magic, it's just about which park to visit... or not? No, it's not working in this way. You'll have to select the park and also be sure not to literally waste the 100 and over dollars you have spent (per person). We do not consider ourselves as expert as we are in other american aspects, but the latest experience has led us to try to give some advice to future travelers who want to run into a Disney park. In this case the world famous Magic Kingdom. After all, we only needed that of Orlando after visiting those in Paris and Los Angeles: during our previous Orlando trips we decided to visit Island Of Adventure, Universal Studios and Epcot. The last one is part of Disney World.
(Magic Kingdom)
Once you reach the parking lot with your car (which is, in our opinion, still the best solution) you will have the possibility to get to the park in two different ways. You can take the Ferry which crosses the lake that separates the parking lot from Magic Kingdom: that's free of charge and all in all even a nice experience. The second option is to get on the monorail that will take you in front of the entrance of the park. It's definitely quicker but less fascinating. If you already got your tickets (like us), make sure that the name that appears on one of the tickets is the same person who made the purchase of the tickets. Otherwise you must have your passport with you. This situation happened to us: this was a gift, it means we didn't purchase the tickets. Howewer, we had our passports with us!
(Magic Kingdom at Christmas)
Come avrete intuito non tutto sempre fila liscio ed è proprio sul "cosa non fare" che vogliamo puntare il dito, più che essere una "guida" del parco. Quando andare a Magic Kingdom? Abbiamo appurato sulla nostra pelle che durante le festività natalizie è un autentico delirio. E delirio è certamente un eufemismo. Il prezzo dei biglietti che era aumentato del 10% dal 23 di dicembre al 3 di gennaio ci aveva fatto insospettire, ma non avremmo mai immaginato che le ore di coda per le attrazioni più importanti del 26 dicembre 2017, giorno in cui abbiamo visitato il parco, erano tre. A volte anche quattro. Duecentoquaranta minuti. In tutta la giornata siamo riusciti a salire su 3 attrazioni. Le conclusioni le lasciamo a voi...
As you may have guessed, not always everything goes perfectly and we want to talk precisely about "what not to do" rather than being a "guide" of the park. When to go to Magic Kingdom? We know this well enough from our own experience during the Christmas holidays: that time is an authentic delirium. Well, this world is certainly an euphemism. The cost of the tickets that increased by 10% from December 23rd to January 3rd should have got our attention. Howewer, we never tought that the we would have about three to four hour wait. Two hundred and forty minutes. It was the 26th of December, 2017. We only did three attractions.
(Walt Disney)
Ma neanche il fast pass vi ha salvato? Come saprete nei parchi divertimento il fast pass spesso vi facilità e di molto la vita. Quello gratuito (gli altri, costosissimi, non li vogliamo neppure sentir nominare) è il più "famoso". Sono diverse le zone adibite all'ottenimento (gratuitamente, lo ripetiamo) della "scorciatoia" che vi permetterà di evitare code chilometriche. Sceglierete tre attrazioni, quelle che più v'ispirano, e riceverete un ticket che vi ricorderà l'ora nella quale dovrete presentarvi all'entrata dell'attrazione prescelta. Se sarete in difficoltà ci sarà sempre qualcuno del parco a darvi una mano.
Did the fast pass save us? As you know the fast pass would often make life easier. The free ones are the most "famous". There are several areas where you can get them for free. This is substantially a kind of "shortcut" that allow you to avoid queues. You'll have to choose three attractions, the ones that inspire you the most, and you will then receive a ticket with a time stamp. You must be at the the entrance gate of the attraction at the right time. If you are in trouble, just ask. There are many orderlies working in the park.
(The Castle)
Alternatively you can select the efficient wi-fi offered within the park, connect to the internet and get the three fast passes on the website of the park you are visiting. It is definitely more convenient because you can consult the first available time of each attraction. Why did not we use the three fast pass? We definitely tried to use them. We connected on the internet for the first time at 10 am, but the first available time was... at 11 pm!
(Main Street Usa - Magic Kingdom)
Beh, ma allora Magic Kingdom non è poi così...magico. No, calma. detto che il periodo Natalizio potrebbe regalarvi sorprese sgradite, il mondo Disney è di una bellezza stordente. Grandi e piccoli rimangono ammaliati dalla magia, nel vero senso della parola, che aleggia all'interno del parco. Incontrare i personaggi Disney, parlarci e scattare qualche foto insieme a loro, non ha prezzo. E, a dirla tutta, è stato proprio nell'ultimo viaggio che siamo riusciti ad entrare maggiormente a contatto con loro. Sembra assurdo, ma se da una parte l'attesa per le attrazioni era di 3-4 ore, in venti minuti buoni l'Ale è riuscita ad incontrare sia Ariel che Trilli. Due "characters" stupendi. E simpaticissimi.
Well, then we're saying that's not as much magic to remember. No, no no. Magic Kingdom is something truly magic, a stunning beauty you won't forget but you've just to remember that Christmas time is probaby the worse period to visit it. Meet the Disney characters, talk with them and take some pictures is howewer just priceless. And, to be honest, it was on the last trip that we managed to get really in touch with them. It seems absurd, but we've waited for more than three hours to ride a roller coaster and just twenty minutes before meeting Ariel and Tinker. Two wonderful and amazing "characters".
E poi c'è il parco, diviso in sei aree, tutte splendidamente affascinanti. Main Street Usa ricorda la classica "main street", la strada principale, di una piccola cittadina americana, Frontierland ricorda i tempi della frontiera, della corsa all'oro e del vecchio e selvaggio west, mentre Liberty Square è un tuffo nella storia americana. E poi c'è l'area per i più piccoli, Fantasyland, quella futuristica (Tomorrowland) e quella "avventurosa", Adventureland. E quando il castello disney s'illumina e comincia lo spettacolo (ore 18 nel periodo invernale), non vorrete essere da nessun'altra parte, un po' come quando a fine serata ad Epcot prende il via lo show dei fuochi d'artificio. Magic Kingdom è magia, il posto migliore per tornare bambini. Uno di quei luoghi in cui si può ancora volare con la fantasia. Nonostante code e fast pass...
And then there is the park, which is divided into six areas, all beautifully fascinating. Main Street Usa recalls the classic "main street" of a small American town, Frontierland recalls the times of the frontier, the gold rush and the old and wild west, while Liberty Square is a dive into the American history. And then there is the area for the little ones, Fantasyland, the futuristic one (Tomorrowland) and the "adventurous" one, Adventureland. And when the world famous Disney Castle lights up and the show begins (6 pm in the winter), you will not want to be anywhere else, a bit like when at the end of the evening Epcot kicks off the fireworks show. Magic Kingdom is just... magic, the best place to return children. One of those places where you can still fly with your imagination. Despite queues and fast passes ...
(The Castle)
HOTEL: Monte Carlo Motel (56 euros x night)
VALUE: *****
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