The ascent along the Florida's east coast continues down the panoramic A1A, a stretch of the famous "US 1" which, if traveled entirely, will take you from Key West to Amelia Island and Fernandina Beach, on the border with the state of Georgia. This is a spectacular "north-south", made of beaches and luxurious villas, like those that you will find also and especially along the even more internal sections of the A1A, a panoramic road that detaches from the "1" to allow access to the islands and peninsulas facing on the Atlantic Ocean. It happens three times, the first one just north of Miami till West Palm Beach, the second one between Stuart and Cape Canaveral and the third one from Daytona Beach to Amelia Island. We're talking about the last one, a stretch of Florida definitely less touristy and chaotic than what every european tourist is used to, but no less fascinating. Nature wins here. The towns that you will visit are not those that make thousands of tourists around the world dream: Ormond by the Sea, Beverly Beach, Marineland, Crescent Beach, Vilano Beach and Ponte Vedra Beach. The latter is probably the most famous one, along with the grand finale offered by Amelia Island and Fernandina Beach.
(picture from the web)
Nella prima città che abbiamo menzionato, una piccola deviazione vi porterà lungo l'Ormond Scenic Loop & Trail. Il gps non vi aiuterà, se non con l'indirizzo di partenza, la Old Dixie Highway ad Ormond by the Sea. Percorretela sino ad incrociare la Walter Boardman Lane, qui una svolta a destra consentirà di continuare nel loop di 30 km (una sorta di doppio anello) che attraversa alcuni dei più affascinanti scenari naturali del nord est dello stato della Florida. Quest'area offre di tutto, dalle case lussureggianti ai parchi statali, dalle spiagge alle dimore storiche, dai musei ai fiumi.
In Ormond City, a small detour will take you along the Ormond Scenic Loop & Trail. The GPS will not help, you can just put the start address (Old Dixie Highway in Ormond by the Sea) and follow it until you cross the Walter Boardman Lane. Once there, a right turn will allow to continue along the 20 miles loop (a sort of double ring) that crosses some of the most fascinating natural sceneries of the northeast of the state of Florida. This area offers everything: from luxuriant homes to state parks, from beaches to historic homes, from museums to rivers.
Seguendo le indicazioni che vi abbiamo dato non sarà difficile riprendere la A1A ed entrare a contatto con l'anima spagnola dell'ultimo tratto del "sunshine state". Nascosto tra le insenature del fiume Matanzas, non lontano dal mare, ad attendervi ci sarà il Fort Matanzas National Monument (ingresso gratuito), uno dei dieci luoghi da non perdere quando si visita il nord est della Florida.
Following the indications that we have given you'll get back to the A1A and finally get in touch with the Spanish soul of the last stretch of the "sunshine state". Hidden among the creeks of the Matanzas River, not far from the sea, there's Fort Matanzas National Monument (admission free), definitely one of the ten places not to be missed when visiting North East Florida.
(Fort Matanzas in the background)
La grande attrazione del parco è la torre di osservazione, costruita con rocce formate da pezzettini di conchiglie e corallo nel 742 per difendere la zona di Matanzas Inlet. Fornendo un punto di osservazione per le navi nemiche in avvicinamento da sud, il forte ha svolto un ruolo strategico nell’avvertire la grande città di riferimento, ovvero St Augustine, di potenziali avanzamenti nemici da sud attraverso il fiume Matanzas.
The great attraction of the park is the observation tower, built with rocks formed by small pieces of shells and coral in 742 to defend the area of Matanzas Inlet. By providing a vantage point for enemy ships approaching from the south, the fort played a strategic role in warning St Augustine, the main city, from potential enemy advances from the south, across the Matanzas River.
Well, we've completely forgotten to deal with... Irma, the devastating hurricane that had devastated much of Florida a few months earlier. Irma came also to the Fort, causing a lot of damages and forced the National Monument Management to do extra work to restore the site (December 2017).
(Matanzas-Ferry landing)

The ferry that leads from the visitor center to the fort is still not accessible, thus preventing us from visiting the most beautiful part of the park. A short movie tells about the history, quite animated, of Fort Matanzas and a very short trail that starts from the visitor center leads us into the heart of the site where, in 1565, the Spanish soldiers slaughtered 250 French prisoners by putting an end to the French claims on the area. It has gone down in history as the Menendez of Ribault Massacre.
St Augustine non l'abbiamo nominata per caso. Se siete alla ricerca, infatti, delle dieci città da visitare almeno una volta nella vita (almeno in ambito statunitense) non può davvero non essere inclusa nella vostra lista insieme probabilmente a Santa Fe (New Mexico), Sedona (Arizona), Savannah (Georgia), Charleston (South Carolina) e altre cinque a vostro piacimento. St Augustine è la città più antica della nazione, "the ancient city" come la chiamano gli americani, fondata l'8 settembre del 1575 da Pedro Menendez de Aviles che fu poi anche il primo governatore della Florida. Per oltre 200 anni è stata capitale dei territori della Florida, prima che Tallahasse le succedette.
We did not mention St Augustine by chance. If you are looking, in fact, for the ten cities to visit at least once in a lifetime (at least in the US) it should be certainly included in your list along with Santa Fe (New Mexico), Sedona (Arizona), Savannah (Georgia ), Charleston (South Carolina) and five others at your leisure. St. Augustine is the oldest city in the nation, "the ancient city" as it is called by the Americans, founded on the 8th September 1575 by Pedro Menendez de Aviles who was also the first governor of Florida. We all know that Tallahasse is the current Florida's capital, but for over 200 years this role has been played by St Augustine which was the capital of the Florida Territories.
(Old Town St Augustine - Florida)
Qui l'influenza spagnola è notevole, più che in altre città dello stato. Sono oltre 220 gli edifici storici sparsi in poco più di 46 chilometri quadrati, con l'Historic District (ed in particolare l'Old Town) a fare da cuore pulsante. Il suo turismo è "di nicchia", ma se volete davvero vivere uno spaccato della Florida che fu e vivere un po' di Europa negli Stati Uniti, "this is the place". St.George Street, unitamente a Cuna Street e Hypolita Street ed Aviles Street, ovvero piccole stradine fatte di ciottoli, pittoreschi caffè e negozietti la rendono unica.
The spanish influence is remarkable in St Augustine, more than in other cities of the state. There are over 220 historic buildings spread out over 46 square kilometers, with the Historic District (and in particular the Old Town) serving as a beating heart. Its a "niche" tourism, but if you really want to experience a glimpse of Florida which once was and experience a little bit of Europe in the United States, "this is the place". St. George Street, along with Cuna Street and Hypolita Street and Aviles Street are small streets made by cobblestone, quaint cafes and small shops. St Augustine is really unique.
Dovrete però essere più fortunati di noi, perchè quando l'abbiamo visitata diluviava e stava per prendere il via "il grande freddo" che ha flagellato gli Usa a cavallo tra la fine del 2017 e l'inizio del 2018. Invece dei consueti 13-15 gradi previsti a fine dicembre, ce n'erano 5. Sotto zero!
However, you will have to be luckier than us, because when we visited St Augustine it it was raining and it was about to start "the great cold" that has scourged the US between the end of 2017 and the beginning of 2018. Instead of the usual and expected 13- 15 degrees (celsieus), it was freezing (-5!).
(Old Town St Augustine - Florida)
E' vero che St Augustine la conoscono in pochi al di fuori dal continente nord americano, ma non aspettatevi di trovarla semi deserta. Anzi. A ridosso di Plaza de la Constitucion, informatevi sui prezzi dei trolley tour e delle escursioni offerte da una città che è meta ideale per i turisti di tutto il mondo. Il tour, per noi rigorosamente a piedi, parte dalla porta d'ingresso alla città, il Bridge of Lions, che conduce Plaza de la Constitucion. Al suo interno si trovano grandi cannoni, un obelisco che celebra la costituzione spagnola del 1812 e diversi monumenti dedicati ai combattenti della storia Americana, dalla Rivoluzione al Vietnam.
It is true that only few people outside the North American continent know about St Augustine, but expect to find it crowded with local and foreign tourists. Close to Plaza de la Constitucion, find out about trolley tours (and their prices) and excursions offered by a city that is the ideal destination for tourists from all over the world. Our self-made tour (by walk) starts from the gateway to the city, the Bridge of Lions, which leads to Plaza de la Constitucion. Inside this square there are large cannons, an obelisk that celebrates the Spanish constitution of 1812 and several monuments dedicated to the fighters of American history, from the Revolution to Vietnam.
(Plaza de la Constitucion)
A ridosso della piazza svetta la Cathedral Basilica, la più antica chiesa della città. Al suo interno i murales rappresentano scene della storia della chiesa cattolica e le finestre colorate regalano immagini della vita di Sant’Agostino d’Ippona.
Behind the square stands the Cathedral Basilica, the oldest church in the city. The murals inside it represent scenes from the history of the Catholic church and the colored windows give images of the life of St. Augustine of Hippo.
(Cathedral Basilica, St Augustine - Florida)
St George Street è il cuore pulsante della Old Town, sinceramente una delle più belle degli Stati Uniti. L'indirizzo da non mancare è il 14 di St George St, dove sorge la Oldest Wooden Schoolhouse, la più vecchia scuola in legno degli Stati Uniti, risalente agli inizi del 18° secolo. L’edificio fu costruito in cedro rosso con pioli in legno e chiodi fatti a mano. Il maestro e sua moglie vivevano al piano superiore, sopra la piccola classe.
St George Street is the beating heart of Old Town, sincerly one of the most beautiful in the United States. The address not to be missed is the number 14 of St George St, where stands the Oldest Wooden Schoolhouse, the oldest wooden school in the United States, dating back to the early 18th century. The building was built in red cedar with wooden pegs and handmade nails. The teacher and his wife used to live upstairs, above the small class.
(Old Wooden School, St Augustine - Florida)
Poco più in la il Colonial Quarter offre una riproduzione di un quartiere del tempo colonizzatori spagnoli e inglesi, dove poter ammirare come nel corso del 16esimo secolo veniva costruito un vascello, esplorare le case dei soldati o scoprire come lavoravano tipografo e maniscalco. Sia la visita alla Old Wooden School che al Colonial Quarter sono a pagamento.
A little further the Colonial Quarter offers a reproduction of a neighborhood of Spanish and English colonizers, where you can admire how a vessel was built during the 16th century, explore the soldiers' homes or find out how typographer and farrier used to work. Both visits to the Old Wooden School and the Colonial Quarter are subject to fees.
(Historic District, St Augustine - Florida)
Sempre all'interno dell'historic district sono diverse le attrazioni da non perdere. Ad esempio la Memorial Presbyterian Church, una chiesa de 1889, o la Government House, la casa del governatore dal 1598 al 1821. Successivamente divenne il campidoglio durante il periodo in cui la Florida fu uno stato indipendente prima di unirsi agli Stati Uniti.
Still within the historic district there are several attractions not to be missed. For example, the Memorial Presbyterian Church, a church built1889, or the Government House, which has been the governor's house from 1598 to 1821. It later became the capitol during the period when Florida was an independent state before joining the United States.
Se non fosse per il gelido freddo e la pioggia, siamo sicuri che St Augustine ci porterebbe via almeno una giornata. Ad ogni angolo c'è un qualcosa di interessante, su tutti Villa Zoraya, lungo King Street. Siamo al civico 83, di fronte ad un edificio del 1883 che ricorda l'Alhambra di Granada. Un tempo questa proprietà era la casa invernale del miliardario bostoniano Franklin W. Smith; ora appartiene ad un commerciante siriano e alla sua famiglia.
It's raining and cold. With different weather conditions we would have spent all the day in St Augustine. There is something interesting at every corner: for example Villa Zoraya, along King Street. You've to stop at the number 83 and admire this 1883 building that recalls the Alhambra of Granada. This property was once the winter home of Bostonian billionaire Franklin W. Smith; now it belongs to a Syrian merchant and his family.
E poi lo splendido Flagler College, una piccola università, privata e residenziale, classificata addirittura al 2° posto come miglior college regionale.
And then the amazing Flagler College, a small private and residential university, ranked in 2nd place as the best regional college.
E non dimenticatevi dei... fantasmi! No, non stiamo scherzando. St Augustine, così come Savannah e Charleston, è "famosa" anche per i ghost tour, organizzati per gli appassionati (e non) di.. presenze! Che in queste tre città non mancano di certo...
Well, do not forget the ghosts! No, we're not kidding. St. Augustine, as well as Savannah and Charleston, is "famous" for the ghost tours, organized for fans (and not) of .. haunted.
We would not have missed several other attractions of St Augustine with more favorable weather conditions. In particular its flagship, the Castillo de San Marcos National Monument, located on the bay not far from downtown. It is the oldest masonry fort in the continental United States. The imposing star-shaped building is the only military fortress built in the seventeenth century in the country. Thanks to the material used (coquina), the castle was able to resist the fire and was also impenetrable to the attacks of enemies, especially English. In this structure, the oldest in the city, you can visit the rooms once used for housing soldiers and prisoners, a plan containing various types of weapons, and the internal garden.
(Castillo de San Marcos - St Augustine, Florida)
La, purtroppo, brevissima visita alla città ci lascia però il tempo di scoprire un altro gioiello di St Augustine. E, tutto sommato, a noi non dispiace poi così tanto, anzi. No, non stiamo parlando della Gonzalez Alvarez House, la più vecchia casa della Florida, che abbiamo solamente sfiorato con la nostra auto (è un po' decentrata rispetto al centro storico), bensì la St Augustine Distillery.
The very short (unfortunately) visit to the city allows us to find out another St Augustine's jewell and, actually, we have to say it is nothing less than that we would expect from this day. No, we're not talking about the Gonzalez Alvarez House, the oldest house in Florida (it's a bit off-center compared to the historic district). It's time to learn more about the St Augustine Distillery...
(Florida's oldest house)
28 brave, beautiful local people signed on to help build something you couldn't find in Florida before. In fact, Craft distilling was happening all over the country except in Florida. They were fascinated with the idea of making craft spirits. Using local ingredients to produce whiskey, rum, vodka and gin challenged the way we thought about a cocktail. Armed with great advise and insights, they designed and built what we think is the most beautiful and well-designed craft distillery in America. In these stills they're making some of the best spirits in the country.
I tour della distilleria sono gratuiti ed avvengono ogni mezz'ora, dalle 10.30 del mattino alle 17, domeniche comprese. La notorietà dell'azienda l'ha in pochissimo tempo portata ad essere al "numero 1" tra le attrazioni da visitare a St Augustine secondo Tripadvisor: il rischio è dunque quello di dover attendere i tour successivi se i primi sono sold out. E succede spesso, soprattutto in giornate di maltempo. Non è possibile prenotare il tour, la regola è "first-come, first-serve". Chi primo arriva...
Tours of the distillery are free of charge and take place every 30 minutes, from 10.30 am to 5 pm, Sundays included. The notoriety of the company has in a very short time brought them to be at "number 1" among the attractions to visit in St Augustine according to Tripadvisor: it means that if the first tour is sold out, you'll have to wait for the next one. And it happens often, especially on bad weather days. It is not possible to book the tour, the rule is "first-come, first-serve".
La guida vi porterà, dopo aver assistito ad un video introduttivo, nel cuore della produzione (in estate può fare molto caldo). Imparerete come avviene la raccolta delle materie prime, visionerete l'impianto di produzione e concluderete la visita in un piccolo bar dove il barman vi preparerà alcuni "shottini" di cocktail speciali preparati con i loro prodotti.
The guide will take you, after having watched an introductory movie, in the heart of the production (in summer it can be very hot). You will learn about how the collection of raw materials takes place, you will see the production plant and then finish the visit in a small bar where the barman prepares some "shots" of special cocktails prepared with their products.
Uno su tutti il Florida Mule Tiki Cocktail. Anche nello shop, bellissimo e curato, vi verranno offerti altri shot, sia di cocktail, sia dei prodotti che poi troverete in vendita. Se vorrete dunque acquistare un bourbon o un gin, avrete prima la possibilità di assaggiarli. E anche i bambini potranno divertirsi. A loro verranno, infatti, offerti shottini analcolici.
For example the Florida Mule Tiki Cocktail. Even in the shop, beautiful and clean-cut, you will be offered other shots, both cocktails, both their products for sale (whiskey, bourbon, vodka...). So if you want to buy a bourbon or a gin, you will first have the opportunity to taste them. And even children can have fun. In fact, they will be offered non-alcoholic shots.
A little bit drunk but very satisfied, we forget about the rain and the cold and head to Jacksonville, the final stop of today's stage. No, Jacksonville, one of the most amazing Florida's cities, can not be considered only a stage of transition, but the tight time (we preferred to spend more time in St Augustine) means that we will visit Jacksonville during a next trip. Yet, for the little we could have seen, Jacksonville definitely worth a visit. We talk about the most populous municipality in the state of Florida and the largest city in the south, Texas excluded. Its downtown along the St Johns river is beautiful and admire it especially in the evening, illuminated, from the opposite shore of the river, is a must. We intend to return with more calm, meanwhile we can not miss the appointment with one of the best barbeque ever at The Bearded Pig (1224 Kings Av). The long search brought us here, in a spartan restaurant south of downtown and south of the Saint Johns River. You order the dish at the checkout desk and a waitress will then come to your table to deliver it to you. It is very reminiscent of the Rollin Smoke Barbeque in Las Vegas that we've talked about several times. It is so good that we remembered to take a photo of the dish (chicken, brisket, ribs and beef) after having eaten at least half of it. We'll have time to visit Jacksonville in the future, but The Bearded Pig could not wait ...
Ale e Marco raccomntano: Fort Matanzas & St Augustine (LINK)
Viaggio nella St Augustine Distillery (LINK)
HOTEL: Microtel Inn & Suites by Wyndham Jacksonville Airport
VALUE: ***
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