Pensi alla Florida e dici Miami. Certo, ma non solo. Tra i più amati e visitati luoghi del "Sunshine State" c'è Key West, la punta di diamante delle isole Keys, un arcipelago di circa 1700 isole collegato dalla mitica "overseas highway" che dividono l'oceano atlantico dal golfo del Messico. 159 miglia separano Key West, l'ultima delle isole, da Miami, più di 200 km di una bellezza con pochi eguali in un contesto decisamente caraibico, capace di ispirare il talento di Ernerst Hemingway, che proprio a Key West visse per buona parte della sua vita. No, non fatevi spaventare dalla lunghezza del tratto da percorrere con la vostra auto: superato l'iniziale tratto abbastanza monotono, entrerete in un'altra dimensione. Sarete voi, la strada, il mare e una dopo l'altra le varie isole che compongono l'arcipelago. Quando andare? Sempre, sempre e comunque. Anche se, va detto, le temperature estive spesso avvicinano i 40 gradi, decisamente più miti sono invece quelle invernali (media intorno ai 25). Si può fare il bagno anche in inverno? La risposta è sì. Certo, anche se l'acqua ovviamente non sarà caldissima.
When people think about Florida immediately say Miami. Miami is the main attraction, of course, but there is more. Among the most popular and visited places in the "Sunshine State" there is certainly Key West, the spearhead of the Keys islands, an archipelago of 1700 islands linked each other by the mythical "overseas highway" that divides the Atlantic Ocean from the Gulf of Mexico. 159 miles separates Key West, the last of the islands, from Miami, more than 200 km of a beauty with few equals in a Caribbean context, which inspired the talent of Ernerst Hemingway, who lived in Key West for a large part of his life. Well, do not be scared by the length of the road you'll have to travel with your car: after the initial pretty monotonous stretch, you will enter in another dimension. It's you, the road, the sea, and one by one all the islands When to go? Always, always and always. Summer temperatures often approaching 40 degrees, much more myths is winter time (average around 25). Can you have a bath into the sea even in winter time? The answer is yes, altough the water temperature won't be very high.
Se è vero che il primo tratto non è dei più affascinanti, a Key Largo, la prima isola che vi troverete di fronte, non potete mancare l'appuntamento con la terza barriera corallina più grande al mondo all'interno del John Pennekamp Coral Reef State Park. Snorkeling, immersioni o gite in barca di durata varia (dalle 2 ore e 30 alle 4 ore e 30). Non mancano i relitti: su tutti il Cristo degli Abissi.
Well, it's true that the first part is the most charming, but in Key Largo you can't really miss the world third largest coral barrier reef located in the John Pennekamp Coral Reef State Park. Snorkeling, diving or boat trips of varying duration (from 2 hours to 4 hours 30 and 30) are some of the plenty activities you can do. There are even plenty of wrecks: the most famous is the Christ of the Abyss.
Well, it's true that the first part is the most charming, but in Key Largo you can't really miss the world third largest coral barrier reef located in the John Pennekamp Coral Reef State Park. Snorkeling, diving or boat trips of varying duration (from 2 hours to 4 hours 30 and 30) are some of the plenty activities you can do. There are even plenty of wrecks: the most famous is the Christ of the Abyss.
Attraverserete Islamorada, l'isola dei pescatori e poi Marathon. Siamo nel cuore delle Keys, dove troverete probabilmente anche la miglior spiaggia dell'intero arcipelago: quella di Sombrero Beach.
Non lontano da Sombrero Beach ci sono altre due attrazioni imperdibili: il Dolphin research center dove poter nuotare con i delfini e, se amate la natura, Crane Point, una foresta di 25 ettari dove effettuare trails. Stiamo entrando nel vivo dell'arcipelago, nella zona sicuramente più suggestiva. La porta d'ingresso è il 7 mile bridge, un ponte lungo appunto 7 miglia sospeso nell'acqua.
You'll cross Islamorada, the island of fishermen and then Marathon. It's the heart of the Keys, where you will probably find the best beach of the entire Keys: Sombrero Beach. Not far from Sombrero Beach there are two other must-see attractions: the Dolphin Research Center where you can swim with dolphins and, if you like nature, Crane Point, a 25-hectare forest where hiking. We're getting to the heart of the Keys, surely the most charming area. The front door is the 7 mile bridge, a seven miles long bridge suspended in the water.
You'll cross Islamorada, the island of fishermen and then Marathon. It's the heart of the Keys, where you will probably find the best beach of the entire Keys: Sombrero Beach. Not far from Sombrero Beach there are two other must-see attractions: the Dolphin Research Center where you can swim with dolphins and, if you like nature, Crane Point, a 25-hectare forest where hiking. We're getting to the heart of the Keys, surely the most charming area. The front door is the 7 mile bridge, a seven miles long bridge suspended in the water.
Appena superato e raggiunta la città di Big Pine Key svoltate a sinistra verso il Bahia Honda State Park (ingresso 8 dollari). Il luogo a parer nostro più affascinante delle Keys, esclusa ovviamente Key West.
Just passed the 7miles bridge and reached the city of Big Pine Key, turn left towards the Bahia Honda State Park (admission $ 8). The place is, in our opinion, the most fascinating of the Keys, Key West of course is excluded.
Just passed the 7miles bridge and reached the city of Big Pine Key, turn left towards the Bahia Honda State Park (admission $ 8). The place is, in our opinion, the most fascinating of the Keys, Key West of course is excluded.
Qui scorre quella che una volta fu la vecchia ferrovia: cercatela e percorretene un tratto sino ad arrivare ad una sorta di punto morto.
In here runs what once was the old railway: look for it and walk a bit until getting to a kind of dead-center.
In here runs what once was the old railway: look for it and walk a bit until getting to a kind of dead-center.
Sotto di voi il mare, dall'altra parte la continuazione della ferrovia stessa, distrutta da un uragano nel 1935. All'interno dello State Park sono presenti anche due spiagge. una delle quali con una vista splendida sulla ferrovia e sulla overseas highway.
The sea below you, on the other side the continuation of the same railway, destroyed by a hurricane in 1935. Within the State Park there are also two beaches. one of them with a splendid view on the railway and on the overseas highway.
The sea below you, on the other side the continuation of the same railway, destroyed by a hurricane in 1935. Within the State Park there are also two beaches. one of them with a splendid view on the railway and on the overseas highway.
L'ultimo jolly prima di arrivare a Key West? Non lontano dall'area protetta National Key Deer Refuge (dove poter ammirare il cervo dalla coda bianca, animale in via d'estinzione) c'è un pub-pizzeria stranissimo, forse tra i più strani al mondo. Siamo a sempre Big Pine Key ed accertatevi di avere con voi un buon navigatore satellitare perchè il pub che state cercando si chiama... "No name". Già, senza nome.
What's the last wild card before arriving in Key West? Well, not far from the protected National Key Deer Refuge (where you can admire the white-tailed deer) there is very, very weird pub-pizzeria, perhaps on the strangest in the world. We are still in Big Pine Key and make sure you have with you a good GPS because the pub you're looking for is called ... "No name". Yes, No Name Pub.
What's the last wild card before arriving in Key West? Well, not far from the protected National Key Deer Refuge (where you can admire the white-tailed deer) there is very, very weird pub-pizzeria, perhaps on the strangest in the world. We are still in Big Pine Key and make sure you have with you a good GPS because the pub you're looking for is called ... "No name". Yes, No Name Pub.
Una volta trovato non potrete non lasciare il segno della vostra presenza. Come? Chiedete un pennarello, togliete dal portafogli un dollaro, scrivete il vostro nome oppure un pensiero e incollatelo sulla parete.
Once found it you can not miss the chance to leave a mark of your presence. How? Ask for a marker, take a dollar from your wallet, write your name or a thought on it and paste it on the wall.
Once found it you can not miss the chance to leave a mark of your presence. How? Ask for a marker, take a dollar from your wallet, write your name or a thought on it and paste it on the wall.
La maschera la gettiamo subito. Key West è uno di quei dieci posti negli Stati Uniti dove varrebbe la pena vivere. E sfidiamo chiunque a dire il contrario. Sole e mare tutto l'anno, quell'atmosfera rilassata classica delle isole "keys", key lime pie, acqua di cocco e, perchè no, sorseggiare un martini ammirando dei tramonti più affascinanti sulla terra. Magico vero?
Key West is one of the ten places in the US where would be worth living. And we challenge anyone to say that is not true. Sun and sea all year round, the relaxed atmosphere classic of Keys islands, the key lime pie, coconut water and, why not, sipping a Martini while admiring one of the most beautiful sunsets on earth. It's magic, isn't it?
Key West is one of the ten places in the US where would be worth living. And we challenge anyone to say that is not true. Sun and sea all year round, the relaxed atmosphere classic of Keys islands, the key lime pie, coconut water and, why not, sipping a Martini while admiring one of the most beautiful sunsets on earth. It's magic, isn't it?
(Un percorso a piedi che tocca alcuni dei luoghi da visitare a Key West -
A walking path that will help you to touch some of the must see places in Key West)
A walking path that will help you to touch some of the must see places in Key West)
Cuba non è lontana, anzi. Dista solo 90 miglia dal "southernmost point", il punto più a sud degli interi Stati Uniti. Cominciamo l'avventura tra le "cose da vedere quando si visita Key West" da qui, dalla coda che immancabilmente dovrete fare per scattare una foto con il monumento più visitato dell'intero arcipelago delle Keys.
Cuba is not far away. It is just 90 miles far from the "southernmost point" monument, the southernmost point of the entire United States. Let's start the adventure among the "things to see when you are in Key West" from here, from the queue that will inevitably have to do before taking a picture of the most visited and photographed monument of the entire Keys islands.
Cuba is not far away. It is just 90 miles far from the "southernmost point" monument, the southernmost point of the entire United States. Let's start the adventure among the "things to see when you are in Key West" from here, from the queue that will inevitably have to do before taking a picture of the most visited and photographed monument of the entire Keys islands.
Siamo all'angolo tra South Street e Whitehead street, che percorrerete per poco meno di un chilometro sino a raggiungere il Key West Lighthouse and Keeper's Quarters Museum, il primo faro di Key West (alto 30 metri, ingresso a pagamento), dal quale poter ammirare l'intera cittadina. Di fronte sorge la casa di Ernest Hemingway, ora diventata casa-museo, visitabile 365 giorni l'anno dalle 9 del mattino alle 5 del pomeriggio al costo di 13 dollari per gli adulti e 6 per i bambini.
We are on the corner of South Street and Whitehead street, the street that you are going to travel for less than one mile till getting to the Key West Lighthouse and Keeper's Quarter Museum, the first lighthouse of Key West (30 meters taller, a fee is required), from which you can admire the entire town. Just in front of the lighthouse there is the Ernest Hemingway's house, now a house-museum, open to visitors all year long from 9 am to 5 pm. Prices are: $ 13 for adults and 6 for children.
We are on the corner of South Street and Whitehead street, the street that you are going to travel for less than one mile till getting to the Key West Lighthouse and Keeper's Quarter Museum, the first lighthouse of Key West (30 meters taller, a fee is required), from which you can admire the entire town. Just in front of the lighthouse there is the Ernest Hemingway's house, now a house-museum, open to visitors all year long from 9 am to 5 pm. Prices are: $ 13 for adults and 6 for children.
Proseguendo lungo Whitehead street raggiungete l'angolo con Petronia St. Qui sorge il Green Parrot bar, il più antico pub delle Keys (1890), il "primo e ultimo bar lungo la Us Route 1". Ma se volete uno spaccato di Key West doveste recarvi al cimitero. Al cimitero? Sì, proprio lì. Il più irriverente dei cimiteri, dove potrete trovare alcune delle lapidi più divertenti che abbiate mai visto. Un esempio: "Se stai leggendo ciò che c'è scritto su questa lapide hai un disperato bisogno di trovarti un hobby".
Walk along Whitehead till reaching the corner of Whitehead and Petronia St. You'll encounter the Green Parrot Bar, the oldest pub in the Keys (1890), the "first and last bars along the Us Route 1". But if you want an insight of Key West you must visit the cemetery not far from Duval Street. Why the cemetery? Well, because it's one of the most irreverent where you can find some of the most funny gravestone you've ever seen. An example: "If you are reading this, you desperately need a hobby".
Walk along Whitehead till reaching the corner of Whitehead and Petronia St. You'll encounter the Green Parrot Bar, the oldest pub in the Keys (1890), the "first and last bars along the Us Route 1". But if you want an insight of Key West you must visit the cemetery not far from Duval Street. Why the cemetery? Well, because it's one of the most irreverent where you can find some of the most funny gravestone you've ever seen. An example: "If you are reading this, you desperately need a hobby".
Lasciato il cimitero vi aspetta Duval Street, la via principale di Key West. Ristoranti, pub, negozi: il fulcro della vita nella città dei galli (sì, ne troverete tantissimi in giro per le strade) si snoda qui, tra Duval Street e Mallory Square. Sorseggiate un thè "keywestiano", addolcitevi la bocca con la key lime pie ed ammirate uno dei tramonti più spettacolari degli Stati Uniti.
Duval Street, the main street of Key West is finally waiting for you. Restaurants, pubs, shops: the nightlife in the city of roosters (yes, there's plenty of them around the streets) winds here, between Duval Street and Mallory Square. Sip a cup of tea, eat the world famous key lime pie and admire one of the most spectacular sunsets of the United States.
Duval Street, the main street of Key West is finally waiting for you. Restaurants, pubs, shops: the nightlife in the city of roosters (yes, there's plenty of them around the streets) winds here, between Duval Street and Mallory Square. Sip a cup of tea, eat the world famous key lime pie and admire one of the most spectacular sunsets of the United States.
Una sola indicazione: accorrete in tempo per assicurarvi i posti migliori.
Just a tip. Don't go late, Mallory Square is always crowded at sunset.
Just a tip. Don't go late, Mallory Square is always crowded at sunset.
Non dimenticate infine di godere di una buona musica live da Sloppy Joe's, il pub preferito di Hemingway. E, per quel che conta, anche il nostro.
Well, last but not least, don't forget to enjoy a good live music at Sloppy Joe's, Hemingway's favorite pub in Key West. Even our favorite.
Well, last but not least, don't forget to enjoy a good live music at Sloppy Joe's, Hemingway's favorite pub in Key West. Even our favorite.
E il mare? Non aspettatevi spiagge e acque caraibiche. Nelle isole Keys NON si va per il mare. La più "suggerita" dalle guide è quella di Fort Zachary Taylor Historic State Park (ingresso 7 dollari a vettura oppure 2,50 dollari a persona). L'ambiente è carino, ma spiaggia e mare vi deluderanno.
What about the sea? You shouldn't white sands beaches and caribbean sea. People don't go to Keys islands for the sea. Guides recommends to visit the Fort Zachary Taylor Historic State Park (admission $ 7 per car or $ 2.50 per person) when visiting Key West.Location is nice, but beach and sea will disappoint you.
What about the sea? You shouldn't white sands beaches and caribbean sea. People don't go to Keys islands for the sea. Guides recommends to visit the Fort Zachary Taylor Historic State Park (admission $ 7 per car or $ 2.50 per person) when visiting Key West.Location is nice, but beach and sea will disappoint you.
Discorso diverso invece qualora vogliate visitare il Dry Tortugas National Park, situato a 115 km ad ovest di Key West in mezzo ad una piccola isola. Una giornata da spendere per effettuare l'escursione ed un budget importante sono le condizioni per "dire sì" alla gita in quella che è una ex fortezza circondata dal famoso "mare caraibico". E' raggiungibile con il DryTortugas Ferry (partenza alle 8:00 da Key West, arrivo a Fort Jefferson alle 11:15, ripartenza alle 15:00 e ritorno a Key West alle 17:15). I costi sono però abbastanza proibitivi: 170 dollari per gli adulti, 125 per i bambini.
Everything changes if you wish to visit the Dry Tortugas National Park, located 115 km west of Key West in the middle of a small island. The Dry Tortugas is a former fortress surrounded by the famous "Caribbean Sea". A day trip and an important budget are required. You can reached the island by DryTortugas Ferry (departing from Kewy West at 8:00 am, arriving at Fort Jefferson at 11:15am - departing from Fort Jefferson at 3.00 pm and arriving in Key West at 5.15 pm). Prices, however, are quite prohibitive: $ 170 for adults, 125 for children.
Everything changes if you wish to visit the Dry Tortugas National Park, located 115 km west of Key West in the middle of a small island. The Dry Tortugas is a former fortress surrounded by the famous "Caribbean Sea". A day trip and an important budget are required. You can reached the island by DryTortugas Ferry (departing from Kewy West at 8:00 am, arriving at Fort Jefferson at 11:15am - departing from Fort Jefferson at 3.00 pm and arriving in Key West at 5.15 pm). Prices, however, are quite prohibitive: $ 170 for adults, 125 for children.
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