When you visit Oahu Island, the one-in-a-lifetime trail is definitely the "Stairway to Heaven", the ascension to paradise. Well, how does Kauai, the most fascinating Hawaiian island, respond to the most famous "sister"? Just offering the paradise that we all know as Na Pali Coast: an endless expanse of green, remote and deep valleys, jagged caves and hidden waterfalls: it really seems to be in a world where man does not exist yet. We're heading just right there, to the very north of the island, where civilization disappears and nature takes the lead. There are no cities, there are no roads, there is just the beautiful nature, within the 6175 acres of the Napali Coast State Park, which extends for the most beautiful 26 km of the entire Hawaii. Many famous movies were filmed here, for example Jurassic Park, King Kong and others such as The Descendants and Soul Surfer. It's the last day on the island and this is really the best way to end the journey: yesterday we only tasted the Na Pali Coas while visiting the Kokee State Park and the Waimea Canyon on the south side of the island, now it's really time to explore it...
(l'intero Kalalau Trail e la deviazione alle falls - the entire Kalalau Trail and the detour to the falls)
Visitare la Na Pali Coast è possibile in tre modi. Tutti a modo loro spettacolari. In elicottero, dove sperimenterete le stesse sensazioni vissute dai protagonisti di Jurassic Park quando approdarono sull'isola, con la nave, ovvero la miglior posizione per ammirare la maestosità della costa...e poi c'è lui, il Kalalau Trail che, detto così, ai più non dirà alcunché. Eppure stiamo parlando di uno dei trail più famosi (e pericolosi) al mondo. L'Huffington Post l'ha nominato uno dei "più incredibili" ed "epici" trail negli Usa, citando le splendide viste sull'oceano pacifico, le spiagge e le valli. Backpackers Magazine l'ha inoltre inserito tra i 10 "hike" più pericolosi d'America. Per noi rimarrà uno dei dieci luoghi al mondo da visitare almeno una volta nella vita.
You can visit the amazing Na Pali Coast in three different ways. They're all worth it. Option number one: by helicopter, where you will experience the same sensations experienced by the protagonists of Jurassic Park when they landed on the island. Option number two, on a boat tour: this would be the best way to admire the majesty of the entire coast. Option number three, maybe the best one: hiking the Kalalau Trail. Well, we are talking about one of the most famous (and dangerous) trails in the world. The Huffington Post named the hike "the most incredible" and "epic" trail in the United States, citing its impressive views of the Pacific Ocean, beaches, and valleys. The narrow trail, three major stream crossings that can rapidly rise when raining, and falling rock have been cited as reasons why the trail is one of the most dangerous in the world. In 2008, Backpacker Magazine listed it as one the "10 Most Dangerous Hikes" in the US. Our opinion is that the Kalalau Trail is one of the ten places in the world to visit at least once in life.

Now then, let's go through it. But let's go with order. Explore the Kalalau Trail means getting in touch with a nature so unspoilt that it looks almost unreal. The entire Na Pali Coast (Kalalau) Trail is a 19.8 mile moderately trafficked out and back trail located near Hanalei that features a waterfall and is only recommended for very experienced adventurers: some of them are even able to reach the last remote beach (Kalalau Beach) and come back in a single day. The sensations you will experience once you reach the pristine beach will be the same thatTom Hanks experienced in "Cast Away". It's just the beach, the ocean and behind you, the imposing green mountains of Na Pali Coast. If you want to hike the entire trail you'll need to get a special permit. Clicking on the link below you will find all the information you need to get it (https://kalalautrail.com/information/permits/). And do not forget to arrive early in the morning. At 8 am we struggled a lot to find a parking lot.
Noi, il Kalalau Trail non l'abbiamo percorso tutto, ma non perchè ci sia mancato il coraggio, ma per il semplice fatto che avremmo avuto bisogno di un altro giorno sull'isola di Kauai. Giorno che purtroppo non avevamo. E di rinunciare alle splendide bellezze delle giornate precedenti non rientrava assolutamente nei nostri piani. Eppure ne abbiamo percorso un bel tratto, quello iniziale, dove non è necessario ricevere il permesso dai ranger.
We did not hike the entire Kalalau Trail, not because we haven't been brave enough but simply because we would have needed another day to spend on the island of Kauai. Unfortunately we did not have enough time and couldn't renounce the splendid beauties we've visited in the first three days. We're just going to hike the first part of the trail (no permits required).

We walked the first two miles of the trail (out of 11), till the first beach, named Hanakapiai Beach. The trail is not very strenous, at least not as much as it would be the second part (the next 3 miles), where the trail climbs from sea level to 800 feet over 1 1/4 miles. However views are gorgeous even hiking only the first part of the trail, with the pacific ocean as a background of postcard landscapes. Even the beach, with an adjacent steam that flows into the sea, is definitely gorgeous. Some cats and roosters (you'll find many of them in Kauai) are attracted by so many hikers who stop at the beach. Hanakapiai Beach is definitely the most crowded area of the entire Kalalau Trail.

It's time to get into some action. This is Kauai and after a while you just need it. The bravest hikers continue along the last nine miles of the Kalalau Trail, but most of them (95%) just go back. What are we doing now? We definitely do not give up. The adventure continues. From Hanakapiai Beach you can come back, keep going or turn left, towards Hanakapiai Falls. It's a two miles trail (in the end of the day we hiked 8 miles) between bamboo stalk and streams. That's the action we were looking for!

Stiamo entrando nel cuore dell'isola, ci sono sempre meno visitatori ed il contatto con la natura è sempre più netto. In alcuni tratti più che ruscelli sembrano davvero dei fiumi quelli che attraversiamo (non senza fatica), in altri il trail è decisamente insidioso. Ma il panorama finale ripagherà di tutte le fatiche: le cascate sono bellissime e imponenti. A dirla tutta, una volta raggiunta la parte finale troveremo anche tantissime persone, forse fin troppe per godersi al meglio il panorama
The detour will take us into the heart of the Na Pali Coast. There are fewer and fewer visitors, the nature here is really impressive. These are two strenuous miles to the falls also because the trail is very muddy and slippery during the first mile. In some sections we even encounter some strong current streams. Anyway the falls and the views are amazing and you really couldn't ask for more, even if the end of the trail is too crowded. All the people are here!
L'esperienza nella Napali Coast ci porta via sostanzialmente tutta la giornata, ma prima di rientrare vogliamo toglierci l'ultimo sfizio. Ci fermiamo in uno dei tantissimi stand per acquistare un bel cocco hawaiiano e, anche in quest'occasione, impareremo qualcosa. Il gentilissimo venditore esordisce con un "lo volete giovane o vecchio?" e, mentre l'ale era già pronta rispondere "beh, un toyboy non sarebbe malaccio...", ci spiega che "la carne di un cocco vecchio, quindi più maturo, è più dura e la sua acqua poco saporita, quella di un cocco giovane, invece, è una "jelly", una sorta di marmellata" dal quale puoi anche bere la sua acqua in quanto è più dolce e ricca di nutrienti. Vada per la jelly di cocco. Inutile dire che non abbiamo mai mangiato un cocco così buono (nel video potrete vedere la preparazione).
It takes almost six hours to hike the 8 miles of the Kalalu Trail and Hanakiapi Falls Trail. We're driving "home" while we notice one of the many stands where you can buy a typical fresh Hawaiian coconut and even on this occasion, we are about to learn something. The old vendor says: "Do you want it younger or older?". While Ale is ready to answer "well, a toyboy would not be bad ..." he explains that "the meat of an old coconut, so mature, is tougher and its water is tasteless. The meat of a young coconut is a "jelly" from which you can also drink its water as it is sweeter and rich in nutrients. Go for the coconut jelly. Needless to say, we've never ate such a good coconut (in the video below you can also see the preparation).
L'avventura sull'isola di Kauai si avvia verso la sua conclusione, ma c'è un'ultima chicca da condividere. Sino ad ora vi abbiamo portato a stretto contatto con la natura hawaiiana, ma come vi abbiamo già detto anche il cibo è grande protagonista nel cinquantesimo stato americano. E per l'ultima sera non potevamo che chiudere con il meglio. Siamo a Kapaa e, allo Street Burger (https://www.streetburgerkauai.com/the-menu) stiamo per dare sfogo alle nostre voglie culinarie. Birre artigianali, hawaiane e non, di ottimo livello ed il miglior burger della spedizione. Miglior conclusione non poteva esserci...
The adventure in Kauai is ending. Anyway, there's one last thing to share with you. Until now we have taken you in touch with the amazing hawaiian nature, but as we have already said, don't forget about the food. It's delicious in Kauai. It's the last night on the island and we just want the best. This is the town of Kapaa and this is "Street Burger" (https://www.streetburgerkauai.com/the-menu): great quality Crafted beer and just the best burger of the entire trip. We really couldn't end the journey in a better way!
Adesso sì che è davvero finita. E mentre la solita incredibile fauna hawaiiana ci allieta la serata, siamo già proiettati alla giornata successiva. Torneremo sulla terra ferma e da quel momento sarà Northern California & Oregon. Stay Tuned!
Now that's really over. Well, while the Hawaiian wildlife seems to say goodbye, we're already thinking about the next day. We will return to the main land and then it will be "Northern California & Oregon". Stay tuned!
Il cibo alle Hawaii
Il Kalalau Trail
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