Leaving Hawaii is always a traumatic experience, but this time are going even worse. The usual kindness of the Hawaiian airline's staff is not enough to soften the blow, also because as soon as we land in Oakland, there will be 200 miles more (by car) in the middle of the night till Los Banos Santa Nella, in the heart of the Central Valley. At the airport security desk we notice at least 30-35 bananas: no, those are not for Ale "the banana lover". Importing or exporting fruit in Hawaii is not permitted, the same thing happens in California: in every state border (with Nevada, Oregon, and Arizona) you will find a surveillance area where an agent who is always friendly will aks you the same question: "Any fruit with you?". We have already learned the lesson and while approaching Hawaii or California,we never have any kind of fruit with us. The Motel 6 in Santa Nella Los Banos, where we're spending the night, is probably one of the worst three motels we have ever stayed during our american trips (never seen a similar amount of cockroaches in the room) but this is the best solution to get closer to the day 7 final destination, the Sequoia National Park, now just 130 miles far from where we are. The best way to forget about the passed night is an American breakfast, sorry, a danish breakfast. One of the few interesting things we will remember about this lost place in Central Valley is the Pea Soup Andersen's, a historic Danish setting restaurant.
Several Danish immigrants came to California during the early twentieth century and don't forget that there is also a Danish setting town, called Solvang, which is a must for tourists traveling through the "big sur". An "american-danish style" breakfast while admiring objects from northern Europe makes us forget, at least for a moment, to be in the United States of America.
La central valley, una lingua di terra che collega Sacramento e Bakersfield lungo la corsia centrale dello stato, è una California lontanissima dalle rotte turistiche, quasi dimenticata da Dio, al pari delle aree desertiche al confine con Nevada e Arizona. I turisti la evitano, come la evitarono gli spagnoli al tempo della colonizzazione "per il grande caldo estivo e la desolazione", eppure la Central Valley se interpretata nel modo giusto può regalare grandi soddisfazioni. E' una parte enorme dello stato (6 milioni di ettari), ed è il fulcro dell'agricoltura californiana, capace di fatturare ben 37 miliardi di dollari. Qui vivono diverse culture (messicani soprattutto) ed i colori che regala in inverno ed in primavera la valle sono un qualcosa di magico.
The central valley, a huge spit of land which connects Sacramento to Bakersfield along the central lane of the state, is a kind of California very far away from all the tourist routes, almost forgotten by God, as well as desert areas bordering Nevada and Arizona. Tourists avoid it, as the Spaniards did too at the time of colonization "because of the summer heat and the desolation", and yet, if experienced in the right way, the Central Valley could be a special place. It's a huge part of the state (6 million hectares), and is the hub of California's agriculture, capable of billing $ 37 billion every year. Many cultures live in this area (mainly Mexican) and the colors this land gives in winter and in spring is something magical.
Non è ovviamente tutto oro quel che luccica. Notiamo, infatti, che i locali stanno, a suon di striscioni, combattendo con il governo della California per la mancanza di acqua in tutta la valle, che danneggia e non poco le coltivazioni. Scopriremo poi che, da questo punto di vista, la situazione è abbastanza drammatica. Intanto però in tutta la Valle si fanno più soldi in un solo anno con mandorle, pistacchi, uva passa, fragole etc di quanti ne siano stati guadagnati dal 1848 in tutte le miniere d'oro dello stato messe insieme. Per noi è un paradiso e fermarsi nelle varie farm ci porta via letteralmente l'intera mattinata. Per chi arrivasse da nord lungo la "99" che collega Sacramento a Bakersfield, due dei luoghi da non perdere sono sicuramente la Hilmar cheese company (3600 W Canal Dr, Turlock) dove sarà possibile anche effettuare visite guidate della fabbrica e la blue diamond growers store, che vende mandorle coltivate localmente (4800 Sisk Rd, Modesto, CA).
Obviously, all that glitters is not gold. We notice, in fact, that locals are showing banners and fighting with the government of California because of the lack of water throughout the valley, which causes serious damage. We will find out then the situation is quite dramatic in the entire state. Meanwhile, in the whole valley, they make more money in just one year with almonds, pistachios, raisins, strawberries etc than they have been earned since 1848 in all the gold mines of the state together. Well, this is a paradise for fruit lovers like us and stopping at the various farms forces us to spend there the entire morning! For those arriving from the north along the "99" connecting Sacramento to Bakersfield, two of the places which shouldn't be missed are definitely the Hilmar cheese company (3600 W Canal Dr, Turlock) where are available guided tours of the factory and the blue diamond growers store, which sells locally grown almonds (4800 Sisk Rd, Modesto, CA). Another famous one is Valley Pistachio Country Store, we stopped there and tasted amazing pistachios!
(Valley Pistachio Country Store, 20865 Avenue 20, Madera)
Noi però siamo qui per il Sequoia National Park, uno di quei parchi che sono molto più affascinanti di quanto dicano le foto. Entriamo dal versante sud del parco e per una ventina di km vediamo la "Generals Highway" salire lentamente districandosi tra una vegetazione ben diversa da quella che troveremo nel cuore del parco. Tutto cambia una volta entrati nella "Giant Forest": enormi alberi (le sequoie) si aprono davanti a noi e diventa quasi impossibile vedere il cielo. La corteccia di questi imponenti alberi è soffice nonostante siano qui da migliaia d'anni.
Anyway, we are here for the Sequoia National Park, one of the most beautiful national parks even if pictures don't show it. Coming from the south side of the park you'll see the "Generals Highway" slowly descending for about 20 miles: at the beginning the vegetation is very different from the one you'll find in the heart of the park, everything will change once you enter into the "Giant Forest". Huge trees (sequoia) appear in front of us and it gets almost impossible to see the sky. The bark of these imposing trees is soft despite being here for thousands of years.
Il parco è attraversato da nord a sud dalla Generals Highway, che vi permetterà di raggiungere tutti i luoghi da non perdere all'interno del Sequoia National Park. E, per chi non ne avesse abbastanza (o, a differenza di noi, non avesse "perso" tempo nella Central Valley), c'è un altro National Park a nord del Sequoia, il Kings Canyon, che merita sicuramente una visita. Svoltate lungo la "180" o, se cercate una strada ancora più panoramica, lungo la 10 mile road. Il Kings Canyon è una sorta di prosecuzione del Sequoia National Park e, lungo i suoi 50 km, alcuni degli stop più significativi saranno Canyon view, situato 1.5 km dopo Cedar Grove e le Roaring River Falls, distanti 5 minuti a piedi dal parcheggio.
The park is crossed from north to south by the Generals Highway, which allows to reach all the main places not to be missed within the Sequoia National Park. And for those who want more (or, unlike us, don't spend the entire morning visiting the Central Valley), there is another National Park north of Sequoia, the Kings Canyon, which definitely deserves a visit. Take the "180" or, if you are looking for an even more scenic road, take the 10 mile road. Kings Canyon is a kind of continuation of Sequoia National Park and, along its 50 km, some of the most significant stops will be Canyon View, located 1.5 km after Cedar Grove and the Roaring River Falls, a 5 minute walk from the parking lot.
Noi però siamo concentrati sul Sequoia NP e, risalendo da sud, incrociamo subito "Tunnel Rock", una strana formazione rocciosa che forma una sorta di ponte, e poi una delle zone più belle dell'intero parco, Crescent Meadows. Svoltiamo a destra lungo Crescent Meadows Rd, un loop che conduce appunto a Crescent Meadow, che il naturalista John Muir definì nel 1875 "il prato più bello della sierra".
However, we are focused on the Sequoia NP and, coming from the south, we immediately notice the "Tunnel Rock", a strange rock formation that forms a kind of bridge, and then one of the most beautiful areas of the entire park, Crescent Meadows. We turn right along Crescent Meadows Rd, a loop that leads to Crescent Meadow, which the naturalist John Muir defined in 1875 as "the most beautiful meadow in the Sierra".
However, we are focused on the Sequoia NP and, coming from the south, we immediately notice the "Tunnel Rock", a strange rock formation that forms a kind of bridge, and then one of the most beautiful areas of the entire park, Crescent Meadows. We turn right along Crescent Meadows Rd, a loop that leads to Crescent Meadow, which the naturalist John Muir defined in 1875 as "the most beautiful meadow in the Sierra".
Piove e la magia aumenta, soprattutto quando avviciniamo Tunnel Log, un tunnel formato da un albero. Uno dei simboli dell'intero parco. E, se la pioggia ci aveva impedito di ammirare il prato di Crescent Meadows, ci regala "tunnel log" tutto per noi. Non c'è la solita "vagonata" di turisti e possiamo passare con la nostra auto sotto l'albero diverse volte, nel silenzio delle sequoie che circondano uno dei tratti più belli del Sequoia National Park.
It's raining and it becomes even more magic, especially when we approach Tunnel Log, a tunnel formed by a tree. One of the symbols of the entire park. Well, if the rain prevented us from admiring the meadow of Crescent Meadows, it gives us a "tunnel log" free of tourists. It's not crowded as usual, so we can go with our car under the tree several times, in the silence of the redwoods that surround one of the most beautiful stretches of Sequoia National Park.
It's raining and it becomes even more magic, especially when we approach Tunnel Log, a tunnel formed by a tree. One of the symbols of the entire park. Well, if the rain prevented us from admiring the meadow of Crescent Meadows, it gives us a "tunnel log" free of tourists. It's not crowded as usual, so we can go with our car under the tree several times, in the silence of the redwoods that surround one of the most beautiful stretches of Sequoia National Park.
Non lontano da Tunnel Log, in un altro "mini loop" all'interno della Crescent Meadows rd, è situato moro rock. Il suo trail (0.4) è uno dei più suggestivi dell'intero parco e ci permette di raggiungere la sommità del baratro di granito, a 2050 metri sul livello del mare. Gli scalini sono più di 400, ma la vista che si apre sulla valle boschiva e sul Great Western Divide, un orizzonte spettacolare frastagliato da cime solcate dai ghiacciai che superano i 4.000 metri di altezza, è impagabile
Not far from Tunnel Log, in another "mini loop" within the Crescent Meadows road, there's Moro Rock. Its trail (0.4) is one of the most suggestive of the entire park and allows us to reach the summit of the granite barrage at 2050 meters above sea level. The stairs are more than 400, but the view that opens onto the wooded valley and onto the Great Western Divide, a spectacular horizon with jagged glaciers that exceed 4,000 meters in height, is breathtaking.
Not far from Tunnel Log, in another "mini loop" within the Crescent Meadows road, there's Moro Rock. Its trail (0.4) is one of the most suggestive of the entire park and allows us to reach the summit of the granite barrage at 2050 meters above sea level. The stairs are more than 400, but the view that opens onto the wooded valley and onto the Great Western Divide, a spectacular horizon with jagged glaciers that exceed 4,000 meters in height, is breathtaking.
Ripresa la Generals Highway si entra ancor più nel vivo nel parco delle sequoie giganti. Già, perchè adesso si fa davvero sul serio, con il Big Trees Trailhead (1.3 miglia) e soprattutto con il Congress Trail (2 miglia in semiloop). Gli alberi più maestosi si trovano qui e c'è n'è uno che spicca sugli altri, raggiungibile con un piccolo trail di 0.3 miglia che si scosta leggermente dal vicinissimo Congress Trail. Il suo nome è "General Sherman", chiamato così dal naturalista James Wolverton nel 1879 in onore di William Tecumseh Sherman, un generale della Guerra di secessione americana.
Once we get back to the Generals Highway, we really get into the giant sequoia. To get straight to the heart of the matter, there're two amazing hikes: the Big Trees Trailhead (1.3 miles) and especially the Congress Trail (2 miles/loop). The most majestic trees are here and there is one that stands out above the others, reachable by a 0.3 mile trail that shifts slightly from the nearby Congress Trail. His name is "General Sherman", so called by naturalist James Wolverton in 1879 in honor of William Tecumseh Sherman, a general of the American Secession War.
No, non è un albero come tutti gli altri, è semplicemente il più grande al mondo in termini di volume. Il General Sherman Tree ha una circonferenza di 31 metri, svetta per 84 metri nella Sierra Nevada e... continua a crescere. Dovrete alzare gli occhi per sperare, sotto di esso, di intravedere il cielo. Tra i tanti record di questo albero non c'è tuttavia quello legato all'anzianità. Nonostante i suoi 2200 anni non è l'albero più vecchio al mondo: per il momento si deve "accontentare" di essere solamente il più grande...
No, that's not a tree like any other. Other trees are taller or wider, but none has the combined weight and width of this leviathan. The General Sherman Tree measures 103/31-metres around, and soars 275 feet/84 metres into the blue Sierra sky—and it’s still growing. Every year it adds enough wood to make another 60-foot/18-metre-tall tree. Among the many records of this tree there is however no one related to seniority. Despite its 2200 years it is not the oldest tree in the world: for the moment the "general sherman" is just the biggest...
No, that's not a tree like any other. Other trees are taller or wider, but none has the combined weight and width of this leviathan. The General Sherman Tree measures 103/31-metres around, and soars 275 feet/84 metres into the blue Sierra sky—and it’s still growing. Every year it adds enough wood to make another 60-foot/18-metre-tall tree. Among the many records of this tree there is however no one related to seniority. Despite its 2200 years it is not the oldest tree in the world: for the moment the "general sherman" is just the biggest...
Nel Sequoia National Park vive non solo il più grande albero al mondo, ma anche il terzo della speciale classifica. Lo troverete dopo una manciata di miglia, svoltando a destra lungo la "180", la strada che conduce a Kings Canyon. Il trail di 0.3 vi condurrà al General Grant Tree, definito “l’unico monumento vivente in memoria di coloro che dettero la vita per la libertà”. Per chi amasse invece le grotte, le Crystal Cave (tour di 50 minuti, ingresso 16 dollari) vi porteranno a scoprire il mondo sotterraneo del Sequoia Np, tra le oltre 200 caverne alcune delle quali lunghe più di 1.5 km. Ah, per chi poi volesse estrarre dal cilindro il colpo ad effetto, esiste la possibilità di noleggiare l'auto di Jurassic Park ed avventurarsi per il parco e non solo. Non chiedeteci dove e come, ma vi giuriamo che le abbiamo viste!
Sequoia National Park is not only home of the world's largest tree but also of the third in this special rankings. You will find it after a handful of miles, turning right along the "180", the road which leads to Kings Canyon. The 0.3 trail will take you to the General Grant Tree, called "the only living memorial in memory of those who give life for freedom." For those who love caves, the Crystal Cave (50 minute tour, $ 16 entry-fee) will let you discover the underground world of Sequoia NP, among over 200 caves, some of which are more than 1.5 km long. Well, and for those who would like to go big, there is a chance to rent a Jurassic Park car and venture for the park and beyond. Do not ask us where and how you can rent it, but we swear we saw it!
Sequoia National Park is not only home of the world's largest tree but also of the third in this special rankings. You will find it after a handful of miles, turning right along the "180", the road which leads to Kings Canyon. The 0.3 trail will take you to the General Grant Tree, called "the only living memorial in memory of those who give life for freedom." For those who love caves, the Crystal Cave (50 minute tour, $ 16 entry-fee) will let you discover the underground world of Sequoia NP, among over 200 caves, some of which are more than 1.5 km long. Well, and for those who would like to go big, there is a chance to rent a Jurassic Park car and venture for the park and beyond. Do not ask us where and how you can rent it, but we swear we saw it!
Per noi è invece tempo di tornare nella Central Valley ed in particolare a Fresno, dove faremo tappa. Vorremmo fermarci ancora in altri stand per gustare la deliziosa frutta, soprattutto pesche ed albicocche, protagoniste lungo il "Blossom Trail" (http://www.visitcalifornia.com/attraction/fresno-county-blossom-trail), ma siamo in America ed alle 17.30 è tutto già chiuso. Nel caso doveste fermarvi una delle farm più famose è la la Simonian Farms (2629 S Clovis Ave, Fresno). A Fresno invece, se non siete interessati allo shopping (Fashion Fair Mall - 645 E Shaw Ave), una delle possibilità è spendere la serata a Tower District (E Olive Ave & N Wishon Ave). Noi siamo al Fashion Fair Mall, o meglio all'esterno dello stesso. No niente Cheesecake Factory stavolta, siamo al Bj's Restaurant and Brewhouse: promossi a pieni voti sia i tacos di pesce dell'Ale che le ribs (stranamente "italian style") del Marco.
It is time for us to return to Central Valley and especially to Fresno, where we're going to spend the night. We would like to stop ad visit other stands to enjoy the delicious fruit, especially peaches and apricots, protagonists along the "Blossom Trail" (http://www.visitcalifornia.com/attraction/fresno-county-blossom-trail), but this is America and it's not easy to find a shop open after 6 pm. One of the most famous farms is the Simonian Farms (2629 S Clovis Ave, Fresno). In Fresno, however, if you are not interested in shopping (Fashion Fair Mall - 645 E Shaw Ave), one of the options is to spend the evening at Tower District (E Olive Ave & N Wishon Ave). We are at the Fashion Fair Mall, just outside it. Well, no Cheesecake Factory this time, this is Bj's Restaurant and Brewhouse: ale's tacos and Marco's ribs ("italian style") are delicious.
It is time for us to return to Central Valley and especially to Fresno, where we're going to spend the night. We would like to stop ad visit other stands to enjoy the delicious fruit, especially peaches and apricots, protagonists along the "Blossom Trail" (http://www.visitcalifornia.com/attraction/fresno-county-blossom-trail), but this is America and it's not easy to find a shop open after 6 pm. One of the most famous farms is the Simonian Farms (2629 S Clovis Ave, Fresno). In Fresno, however, if you are not interested in shopping (Fashion Fair Mall - 645 E Shaw Ave), one of the options is to spend the evening at Tower District (E Olive Ave & N Wishon Ave). We are at the Fashion Fair Mall, just outside it. Well, no Cheesecake Factory this time, this is Bj's Restaurant and Brewhouse: ale's tacos and Marco's ribs ("italian style") are delicious.
VALUE: ***
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