STATES: Oklahoma-Texas
CITIES: Oklahoma City (O) - Amarillo (T) 418 km
STOPS: Bridgeport, Hydro, Weatherford, Clinton, Elk City, Erick, Texola, Shamrock, Mclean, Alanreed, Groom, Conway
E' il giorno della tappa più lunga lungo la route 66. 418 chilometri, anzi forse anche qualcuno di più, lungo strade sconfinate tra le pianure dell'Oklahoma dell'ovest (tratto dove regnano gli onion rings burger) e l'est del Texas dove, si sa, tutto è più grande. Si torna a correre e a macinare chilometri e, per non farci mancare nulla, non appena lasciata Oklahoma City e ripresa la route 66, percorriamo un tratto della strada madre ancor più antico. Il tracciato si distanzia dalla highway e, proseguendo verso nord incontriamo le cittadine di Calumet e Geary lungo la "270". Sembrano terre dimenticate da Dio. All'incrocio con la 281 svoltiamo a sinistra e, dopo qualche miglio, intravediamo il Canadian River. Ciò significa che stiamo attraversando l'historic canadian river bridge, il ponte più lungo della route 66.
This is the day of the longest stage along the Route 66. More than 280 miles kilometers along endless roads between the western plains of Oklahoma (home of the onion ring burgers) and the East Texas where, you know, everything is bigger. We have to run again and can't miss anything. Once left Oklahoma and got back to the route 66, we decide to follow and older stretch of the mother road. This road is away from the highway and goes north through Calumet and Geary, along the "270". They seem to be lands forgotten by God. At the intersection with the 281 we turn left and, after a few miles, we see the Canadian River. That means that we are going through the historic canadian river bridge, the longest bridge of the route 66.
This is the day of the longest stage along the Route 66. More than 280 miles kilometers along endless roads between the western plains of Oklahoma (home of the onion ring burgers) and the East Texas where, you know, everything is bigger. We have to run again and can't miss anything. Once left Oklahoma and got back to the route 66, we decide to follow and older stretch of the mother road. This road is away from the highway and goes north through Calumet and Geary, along the "270". They seem to be lands forgotten by God. At the intersection with the 281 we turn left and, after a few miles, we see the Canadian River. That means that we are going through the historic canadian river bridge, the longest bridge of the route 66.
Da Bridgeport, deviando verso sud, incontrerete il red rock canyon state park. Tuttavia, con ancora 400 chilometri da percorrere, scegliamo di raggiungere Hydro ed in particolare la Lucille's Gas Station. Ecco, Lucille non era una signora come le altre. Lei era "the mother of the mother road", la mamma della route 66. Scomparsa nel 2000, ha lasciato in eredità la sua gas station, da sempre luogo d'incontro per tutti i viaggiatori della route. Come Gay Parita della Gary's Gay Parita Gas Station, anche Lucille vi avrebbe accolto con un sorriso e raccontato storie imperdibili sulla strada madre. In Get Your Kicks on route 66, la celebre canzone dedicata alla route 66, lei viene nominata.
From Bridgeport, deflecting towards the south, you would encounter the red rock canyon state park. However, being still very far from Texas, in the end we decide to get to Hydro and visit the Lucille's Gas Station. Here in Hydro Lucille was not a lady like any other. She was "the mother of the mother road". She passed away in 2000 and bequeathed her gas station, which as always been a meeting place for all the route 66 travelers. Like Gay Parita of Gary's Gay Parita Gas Station, even Lucille would have welcomed you with a smile and told stories about the mother road. She is even mentioned in Get Your Kicks on Route 66, the famous Route 66 song.
From Bridgeport, deflecting towards the south, you would encounter the red rock canyon state park. However, being still very far from Texas, in the end we decide to get to Hydro and visit the Lucille's Gas Station. Here in Hydro Lucille was not a lady like any other. She was "the mother of the mother road". She passed away in 2000 and bequeathed her gas station, which as always been a meeting place for all the route 66 travelers. Like Gay Parita of Gary's Gay Parita Gas Station, even Lucille would have welcomed you with a smile and told stories about the mother road. She is even mentioned in Get Your Kicks on Route 66, the famous Route 66 song.
E a testimonianza di quanto viva sia ancora la sua memoria, qualche miglio ad ovest di Hydro, nella cittadina di Bridgeport, un diner le è stato intitolato. Fuori dal locale una replica delle pompe di benzina di gas station vi ricorderà l'amore dell'intero territorio per la figura di Lucille.
A sign of how alive is still her memory, a diner few miles west of Hydro, in the town of Bridgeport, gets her name. Outside the restaurant a replica of the gas station gas pumps reminds you the love of the entire territory for the figure of Lucille.
A sign of how alive is still her memory, a diner few miles west of Hydro, in the town of Bridgeport, gets her name. Outside the restaurant a replica of the gas station gas pumps reminds you the love of the entire territory for the figure of Lucille.
L'intero Oklahoma è molto legato alla route 66. Poi c'è una città, di nome Clinton, che oltre ad essere la casa di diversi motel storici come il Glancy Motel ed il Trade Winds Motel...
The entire Oklahoma is strongly connected to Route 66. And there is a city named Clinton, which is home of several historic motel like Glancy Motel and the Trade Winds Motel.
The entire Oklahoma is strongly connected to Route 66. And there is a city named Clinton, which is home of several historic motel like Glancy Motel and the Trade Winds Motel.
... ha reso omaggio alla storica historical route 66 con il museo probabilmente più bello che troverete lungo il tragitto che vi porterà a Santa Monica. The Oklahoma Route 66 Museum. Impossibile da non riconoscere (biglietto d'ingresso - 7 dollari).
It paid tribute to the historical route 66 also with probably the best museum you will find along the way that take you to Santa Monica. The Oklahoma Route 66 Museum. You can't really skip this place (entrance fee - $ 7).
It paid tribute to the historical route 66 also with probably the best museum you will find along the way that take you to Santa Monica. The Oklahoma Route 66 Museum. You can't really skip this place (entrance fee - $ 7).
L'ovest dell'Oklahoma è ricco di musei sulla storia della strada madre. Ad Elk City i musei sono addirittura due, confinanti. Il national route 66 museum e l'adiacente museo all'aperto che rappresenta una città anni 50 lungo la route 66 (biglietto cumulativo 5 dollari).
West of Oklahoma is rich in museums about the history of the mother road. In the town of Elk City museums are even two. The national route 66 museum and the adjacent open-air museum that represents a 50 years ago town along Route 66 (combined ticket $ 5).
West of Oklahoma is rich in museums about the history of the mother road. In the town of Elk City museums are even two. The national route 66 museum and the adjacent open-air museum that represents a 50 years ago town along Route 66 (combined ticket $ 5).

Il Texas intanto si sta avvicinando a grandi falcate mentre facciamo sosta ad Erick, al Sandhills curiosity shop. Il proprietario è un vulcanico personaggio ed i cimeli della route, qui, sono del tutto particolari. Incontriamo per la prima volta anche quattro australiani che come noi stanno viaggiando lungo la route 66. Il destino vorrà che li incontreremo ancora quattro volte nei giorni successivi.
While approaching Texas we stop at Sandhills curiosity shop. The owner is a volcanic character and the relics of the route, here, are very special. We also meet for the first time four Australians travelers: they us are traveling along Route 66 like us. The fate decides that we will meet them four more times in the following days.
Texola è poco più di una ghost town dall'aria piuttosto tetra. I 36 abitanti vi accompagneranno verso il cartello che indica l'entrata nel great state of Texas.La route 66 qui affiancherà sempre la I-40, tra le solite cittadine semi abbandonate ed un colore, il rosso, che diventa sempre più predominante. L'Illinois ed il Missouri sembrano lontanissimi...
Texola is little more than a gloomy ghost town. The 36 inhabitants will accompany you to the the great state of Texas state line. Route 66 here always runs close to the I-40, between the usual semi-abandoned towns and one color: the red one, which becomes more and more predominant. Illinois and Missouri seem far away ...
La prima cittadina che vi troverete di fronte una volta entrati in Texas è... Radiator Springs. Oh, scusate, Shamrock. Perchè abbiamo menzionato Radiator Springs? Semplice, perchè l'edificio in art deco The conoco Tower Station and U-drop inn cafè compare anche nella cittadina di Cars. Oggi più che mai stiamo vivendo la magia di uno dei cartoni animati più belli degli ultimi dieci anni.
The first town that you will be facing once in Texas is ... Radiator Springs. Oh, sorry, Shamrock. Why did we mention Radiator Springs? Simple, just because the art deco building, The Conoco Tower Station and U-Drop inn cafe, appears also in the movie Cars. Today more than ever we are experiencing the magic of one of the best cartoons of the past decade.
Il Drop Inn Cafè è come ce lo immaginavamo. Tutto o quasi ricorda Cars. Da qui la Disney Pixar è passata e chiesto agli abitanti di poter utilizzare la torre, rinvigorendo una cittadina che ora vive non solo grazie ai ricordi della route 66. Ci viene offerto del thè e del caffè "perchè i viaggiatori della route devono sempre essere in buone condizioni" e, ancora una volta, ci perdiamo ascoltando le storie di questo tratto di strada madre ed in particolare del Drop Inn Cafè.
The Drop Inn Cafe is exactly how we imagined it. Almost everything reminds Cars. Disney Pixar came here and helped the town which now lives not only thanks to the memories of the route 66. We are being offered tea and coffee "because route 66 travelers must always be in good shape" and, once again, we get lost listening to the stories about this mother road segment and in particular about the Drop Inn Cafe.
The Drop Inn Cafe is exactly how we imagined it. Almost everything reminds Cars. Disney Pixar came here and helped the town which now lives not only thanks to the memories of the route 66. We are being offered tea and coffee "because route 66 travelers must always be in good shape" and, once again, we get lost listening to the stories about this mother road segment and in particular about the Drop Inn Cafe.

Prima di arrivare ad Amarillo attraversiamo le cittadine di McLean ed Alanreed con le loro gas station 66 Phillips e la particolarissima Groom con la water tower pendente e la seconda croce più grande al mondo.
Just few miles before reaching Amarillo we cross the towns of McLean and Alanreed, with their 66 Phillips gas station, and Groom with the unique leaning water tower and the second largest cross in the world.
Amarillo, Texas. La destinazione finale di oggi non è una città qualunque. La leggenda dice, infatti, che un viaggio in Texas non può definirsi completo se non si va a nord del "lone star state" a visitare il simbolo principale della route 66. Il Cadillac Ranch. Il gps non vi aiuterà, superate il "vero" cadillac ranch...
Amarillo, Texas. The final destination for today's stage is not a city like any other. The legend says, in fact, that a trip to Texas can not be complete unless you go to the north of the "lone star state" to visit the main symbol of Route 66. The Cadillac Ranch. The GPS will not help you, just pass the "real" cadillac ranch ...
Amarillo, Texas. The final destination for today's stage is not a city like any other. The legend says, in fact, that a trip to Texas can not be complete unless you go to the north of the "lone star state" to visit the main symbol of Route 66. The Cadillac Ranch. The GPS will not help you, just pass the "real" cadillac ranch ...
(il "vero" Cadillac Ranch - The "real" cadillac ranch)
... e proseguite per un paio di miglia verso ovest sino ad intravedere le tantissime auto parcheggiate ai bordi delle strade. Ciò significa che avrete raggiunto il Cadillac Ranch che state cercando.
... and go straight for a couple of miles to the west of town. Then you will notice many cars parked on the roadside. That means that you have just reached the Cadillac Ranch.
... and go straight for a couple of miles to the west of town. Then you will notice many cars parked on the roadside. That means that you have just reached the Cadillac Ranch.
Progettata nel 1974 da Chip Lord, Hudson Marquez e Doug Michelsdal, la scultura monumentale si compone di di dieci Cadillac degli anni 50 confiscate nel terreno.
Cadillac Ranch is not a ranch but a public art installation. It was created in 1974 by Chip Lord, Hudson Marquez and Doug Michels: it consists of what were either older running used or junk Cadillac automobiles, representing a number of evolutions of the car line from 1949 to 1963.
Cadillac Ranch is not a ranch but a public art installation. It was created in 1974 by Chip Lord, Hudson Marquez and Doug Michels: it consists of what were either older running used or junk Cadillac automobiles, representing a number of evolutions of the car line from 1949 to 1963.
Anche il Boss, Bruce Springsteen, ha reso omaggio a questo luogo mistico, fatto di colori, di bombolette spray, di un ranch che sembra non finire mai e ovviamente loro, le cadillac, posizionate si dice nello stesso modo delle piramidi d'Egitto.
Even the boss, Bruce Springsteen, paid tribute to this mystical place made by colors, spray cans and of course cadillacs. They are half-buried nose-first in the ground, at an angle corresponding to that of the Great Pyramid of Giza in Egypt.
Even the boss, Bruce Springsteen, paid tribute to this mystical place made by colors, spray cans and of course cadillacs. They are half-buried nose-first in the ground, at an angle corresponding to that of the Great Pyramid of Giza in Egypt.
Ci fermiamo ad ammirare artisti e persone comuni che vogliono lasciare il loro "timbro" sulle cadillac. Armati di bombolette spray si esibiscono con scritte e disegni sulle auto piantonate nel terreno. Staremmo qui per ore ad ammirarli. Un consiglio che vi diamo è quello di evitare scarpe nuove e/o bianche.
We stop to admire artists and ordinary people who want to leave their "stamp" on the cadillacs. They hey perform with inscriptions and drawings on the cars. We'd be here for hours to admire them. Tip: we suggest not to wear new shoes and / or white shoes.
We stop to admire artists and ordinary people who want to leave their "stamp" on the cadillacs. They hey perform with inscriptions and drawings on the cars. We'd be here for hours to admire them. Tip: we suggest not to wear new shoes and / or white shoes.
Ma, una volta ad Amarillo, c'è un altro luogo imperdibile anche se, a dirla tutta, si rivelerà un'esperienza abbastanza deludente. Parliamo del big texan steakhouse, uno di quei luoghi che meglio simboleggia cosa voglia dire ovest degli Stati Uniti ed in particolare Texas. Qui non solo si respira aria di west, ma si sperimenta la vera vita da texano.
But, once in Amarillo, there is another must-see place even if, to be honest, this has been an experience quite disappointing. We are talking about the big texan steakhouse, one of those places that best symbolizes what Texas is. Here you can breathe not only the west, but also experience the true life of the Texans.
But, once in Amarillo, there is another must-see place even if, to be honest, this has been an experience quite disappointing. We are talking about the big texan steakhouse, one of those places that best symbolizes what Texas is. Here you can breathe not only the west, but also experience the true life of the Texans.
E, come detto "everything is bigger in Texas". Qui è ancora più "bigger".
As we said, everything is bigger in Texas. At the big texan ranch all is even bigger.
As we said, everything is bigger in Texas. At the big texan ranch all is even bigger.
Una bistecca di 2.2 chili vi aspetta in uno dei "contest" più amati dello stato. Un'ora di tempo per divorarla (contorni compresi) e la vostra cena sarà gratis. Lo farete davanti a tutti gli altri commensali che vi sosterranno. Noi non ci proviamo, ma anche la nostra sirloin (controfiletto) è piuttosto grande. La qualità invece è quella tipica di un luogo troppo turistico, non eccellente quindi. Ma non fermarsi al Big Texan equivarrebbe a perdersi una parte importante del modo di vivere texano
A 72 oz steak is the main character in one of the most beloved contest of the state. You have just to eat it in one hour (sides included): the price money is very simple, you will eat for free. You will do this in front of all the other diners who will support you. Even our sirloin is quite large. The quality however is typical of a touristy place, not so great. But if you don't stop at the Big Texan you would miss an important part of Texas lifestyle.
A 72 oz steak is the main character in one of the most beloved contest of the state. You have just to eat it in one hour (sides included): the price money is very simple, you will eat for free. You will do this in front of all the other diners who will support you. Even our sirloin is quite large. The quality however is typical of a touristy place, not so great. But if you don't stop at the Big Texan you would miss an important part of Texas lifestyle.
Red Roof Inn Amarillo east (52 euro)
VALUE: ****
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