There are days when, no matter how good you can arrange an on the road, evening comes and you're thinking "if we had another day to spend around this area it would have been perfect." It happens every time we travel. On this trip it happens on day 12 although the stage has been the shortest one, just over 70 miles, from La Pine to Prineville along the central lane of Oregon headed into Washington State. A national monument, a state park and one of the best cities on the entire on the road are just three of the key ingredients of a very intense day, which starts at the Newberry National Volcanic Monument, more than 50,000 acres of lakes, lava flows and spectacular geological features. Newberry National Volcanic Monument consists of four primary visitor destinations: Lava Butte, Lava River Cave, Lava Cast Forest, and Newberry Caldera. It would take at least one full day to explore the entire park: there are so many things to see at the Newberry National Volcanic Monument...
Noi abbiamo scelto di visitare solamente la parte iniziale (venendo da sud), ovvero la Newberry Caldera, una deviazione di una ventina di chilometri dalla "97", lungo la "21" che conduce al Paulina Lake e poi all'East Lake. Il trail principale dell'intera area (e anche il più bello) è il Big Obsidian Flow Trailhead And Interpretive Center, un percorso ad anello di 1.6 km immerso tra l'ossidiana e la pomice, un fenomeno geologicamente piuttosto recente (1300 anni fa). Siamo in Oregon e, come spesso succede (e succederà) siamo i soli ad affrontare il bellissimo trail circondati da un'enorme colata di pietre nere. Una volta in cima potrete ammirare i due laghi, sia l'East che il Paulina.
We chose to visit only the front end (coming from the south), called Newberry Caldera, a twenty-mile detour from "97" along the "21" leading to Paulina Lake and then to East Lake. The main trail of the whole area (and even the most beautiful one) is the Big Obsidian Flow Trailhead And Interpretive Center, a 0.7 mile loop trail: it's a unique hike through an obsidian lava flow beneath Paulina Peak. Throughout the flow, there are interpretive signs telling the history of the area, from the eruption 1,300 years ago, to the colonization of plants and animals, to the use of the glass by native tribes and its trade throughout the west. You'll have great views up to the top of Paulina Peak above you and across Paulina Lake.
Seguendo la NF500 potrete anche salire in cima ai 2434 metri del Paulina Peak, noi ci abbiamo provato con la nostra berlina ma arrivati a tre quarti di percorso abbiamo desistito. Raramente ci siamo trovati così poco a nostro agio su una strada americana (decisamente sterrata) come in questa circostanza.
Following the NF500 you can also reach the highest point within the monument: the summit of Paulina Peak 7,985 ft (2,434 m), which offers views of the Oregon Cascades and the high desert. Paulina Peak may be accessed by road during the summer months, and as the road is both steep and rough, with hairpin turns towards the summit, trailers or long vehicles are discouraged. We've never experienced a road like that: after a while we decided to come back.
(Big Obsidian Flow Trail)
Ripresa la "97" vi troverete a fronteggiare le restanti tre aree del parco, che noi non abbiamo visitato per questioni di tempo. La prima è la Lava Cast Forest, lungo l'ennesima sterrata, la Lava Cast Forest Road, un'altra deviazione di una quindicina di km con meta finale il Lava Cast Forest Trail, un percorso di 1.6 km tra colate laviche così grandi da sembrare vecchi alberi. Il tutto formatosi circa 7.000 anni fa, quando la lava fuoriuscì dal vicino Newberry Volcano.
Taking the "97" you will be facing the remaining three areas of the park, which we did not visit for time constrains. The first one is the Lava Cast Forest, along another dirt road, the Lava Cast Forest Road: 25 total miles south of Bend, accessible via a 9-mile (14 km) dirt road from U.S. Highway 97.Lava Cast Forest contains a 7,000-year-old lava flow that created casts of ancient trees.
(Big Obsidian Flow Trail)
Le ultime due sono vicine l'una all'altra, Lava Butte e Lava River Cave, situate nel versante nord del parco lungo la ormai "solita" "97", la "The Dalles-California Highway". Lava Butte è sostanzialmente un’altura a forma di cono. Il modo migliore per raggiungerlo è grazie allo shuttle (2 dollari) messo a disposizione dal parco (si prende a ridosso del Lava Lands Visitor Center) oppure con la propria auto. I più avventurosi intraprendono il cammino a piedi. L'area della Lava River Cave è invece, insieme alla Newberry Caldera, la più famosa e visitata dell'intero parco. Per gli amanti del genere non c'è neppure da porsi la domanda del "cosa vedere al Newberry National Volcanic Monument", il luogo da non perdere è sicuramente questo. Dove siete? All'interno del Lava River Cave e per visitarlo al meglio dovrete essere muniti di torcia (se non l'aveste con voi potrete noleggiarla al visitor center) e di indumenti pesanti nonostante il gran caldo del "central Oregon". Qui ci sono, infatti, non più di sei gradi centigradi. I 55 scalini vi porteranno all'interno del più grande tunnel di lava dell'intero stato dell'Oregon. La visita durerà all'incirca due ore ed il percorso è lungo circa 3 km. Un luogo oscuro e pieno di mistero che vi farà scoprire un Oregon diverso, ma comunque sempre tremendamente affascinante.
The last two areas are close to each other, Lava Butte and Lava River Cave, located on the north side of the park along the "97", called The Dalles-California Highway. Lava Butte is a cinder cone volcano that rises 500 feet (150 m) above the Lava Lands Visitor Center. It can be accessed by either vehicle or hiking up a paved road. Iinterpretive signs, views of the surrounding lava flow and mountains, and an active fire lookout are found on top. The Lava River Cave area, on the other hand, along with Newberry Caldera is the most famous and visited area of the entire park. If you're looking for something special to visit at the National Volcanic Monument, the place not to be missed is definitely this one. Where are you? Inside the Lava River Cave, the largest uncollapsed lava tube in Oregon. You just need a lantern (it can be rented at the visitor center) and a light jacket despite the great heat of the "Oregon Central". There are, in fact, just 6 degrees (42 farenheit). The 55 steps will take you to the largest lava tunnel in the entire state of the oregon. It will take about two hours to hike the 3 km trail. A dark place full of mystery that will make you discover a different Oregon, but still always fascinating.
(Big Obsidian Flow Trail & Paulina Lake)
Un capitolo a parte merita la città di Bend, un autentico gioiellino. E' la più grande (52 mila abitanti) ed importante dell'Oregon centrale, secondo noi anche una delle più belle dell'intero stato. Situata sulle sponde del Deschutes River, Bend è uno di quei posti dove varrebbe la pena vivere ed il suo museo principale, l'High Desert Museum è uno dei più amati dell'intero west americano. Il museo, unico nel suo genere, offre una panorama sulla storia e sulla natura del West High Desert Region attraverso reperti, animali e programmi d'intrattenimento anche per i più piccoli. E per chi volesse altri dieci luoghi imperdibili nei dintorni di Bend consigliamo questo articolo (in inglese):
The city of Bend deserves a separate chapter. This is an authentic jewel. It is the largest (52,000 inhabitants) and important city of Central-east Oregon, and we believe that it's also one of the most beautiful of the whole state. Located on the banks of the Deschutes River, Bend is one of those places where it would be worth living and its main museum, the High Desert Museum is one of the most loved of the entire northwest. This unique museum reveals the natural world and cultural history of the West’s High Desert region through artful exhibits, alluring animals, engaging programs and meaningful history. And for those who want another ten stunning places around Bend we recommend this article:
(houses in Bend, Oregon)
With a very high quality of life, Bend is the classic city you will want to leave, especially after a walk through its streets made by beautiful houses. The main attraction is Drake Park, a beautiful park overlooking the Deschutes River full of locals, especially in summer.
The houses on its banks are lovely. The downtown is full of shops and pubs, the most famous one is definitely the Deschutes Brewery Bend Public House. Well, don't forget that Oregon is home of craft beer and the Deschutes Brewery offers some of the best beers in the entire United States. The taste of six beers is a must and we can not miss it, accompanied by one of the best steaks of the trip (sirloin with mashed potatoes).
Well, if you want a touch of "Italian" do not miss the "gelato" at Bontà Natural Artisan Ice Cream (920 NW Bond St), which is not easy to find despite being in the heart of downtown but offering a really Italian ice cream. The heat has pushed us to taste it and we can confirm the undeniable quality. Prices obviously high, but this is typical in America. Don't forget that pizza and ice cream are more expensive in the US than in Italy.
Once you leave Bend there's a chance to visit a "covered bridge" called Rock or 'the Range, located along Bowery Lane, and especially Pilot Butte State Scenic Viewpoint. A 1 mile scenic road which runs up to the top of Pilot Butte Cinder Cone (1261 feet), a volcanic cone rising over 500 feet above Bend. From here, you can admire Mount Hood (145 km north), Mount Scott (just above Crater Lake, 110km south) Three-Fingered Jack and Mount Washington; then the North, Middle and South Sisters; Broken Tops and Mount Bachelor The summit is reachable both by car (the road is closed in winter) or by walk. Helicopter tours are also available. But it's very late and we still have to visit what will be the highlight of the day, the Smith Rock State Park.
Con il senno di poi avevamo visto giusto. Con la premessa che Bend ed i suoi dintorni meritino due giornate per apprezzarne le bellezze, tra cui anche l'altrettanto fascinoso Cove Palisades State Park. Noi invece siamo in un altro State Park, dove spenderemo l'intero pomeriggio, lo Smith Rock State Park, il più bel State Park tra tutti quelli visitati durante i nostri on the road. Un luogo davvero da non perdere se si visita lo stato dell'Oregon.
We were right. Well, we have to say that Bend and its surroundings deserve two days if you want to appreciate the beauties including the fascinating Cove Palisades State Park. Anyway, we are now in another State Park, where we are going to spend the whole afternoon: Smith Rock State Park, the most beautiful State Park among all those visited during our manyon the road. Once again, there are many things to see at Smith Rock State Park...

Its sheer cliffs of tuff and basalt are ideal for rock climbing of all difficulty levels. Smith Rock State Park is generally considered the birthplace of modern American sport climbing, and is host to cutting-edge climbing routes. The Crocked River has incredibly eroded and carved tuff and volcanic ash compressed. It's no coincidence that rocks climbing love the Smith Rock State Park: there are over 1800 rocky streets and many trails that can be hiked in the usual tranquility that only Oregon can give. The entrance fee is just five dollars per car and once you go down to the canyon and cross the Crocked River you'll have just to choose which trail you prefer the most.
(River trail)
Questa volta siamo preparatissimi, anche grazie ai preziosissimi consigli degli amici di "Lost in Oregon", un gruppo facebook (che consigliamo di visitare prima di intraprendere un viaggio nel bellissimo stato del northwest statunitense) composto prevalentemente da locali sempre disposti ad aiutare qualsiasi viaggiatore. Già, perchè di trail ce ne sono tantissimi e scegliere non è affatto facile. L'Homestead Trail ed il Canyon Trail, entrambi molto belli, costeggiano il fiume ma non vi permettono di avventurarvi in cima.
This time we are very prepared, thanks also to the precious tips offered by the friends of "Lost in Oregon", a facebook group (which we recommend to visit) composed mainly of locals willing to help any traveler. Yeah, because there are so many trails there and it's not easy to choose the best one. The Homestead Trail and the Canyon Trail, both very beautiful, border the river but do not allow you to venture to the top.
(misery ridge trail)
Discorso diverso invece per il Misery Ridge Trail, il più bello dell'intero parco. Non fatevi spaventare dalla ripida salita fino alla cima, il panorama che troverete una volta raggiunta la vetta sarà impareggiabile. Sotto il voi il Crocked River e le pareti dello Smith Rock State Park.
Well, the best trail is definitely the Misery Ridge. Do not be frightened by the steep climb to the top, the final view is just amazing. The Crocked River and the rocks of the Smith Rock State Park are under you and there's just no other places where you wanna be.
(misery ridge, mesa verde & river trail)
Incrocerete diversi appassionati di arrampicata durante un trail che, se percorso interamente, sarà faticoso (complice il caldo) e piuttosto lungo con le sue 3.8 miglia. Eppure, una volta arrivati in cima, vorrete continuare, proprio come abbiamo fatto noi.
You'll face many climbing enthusiasts while hiking a trail that, if hiked completely, is definitely strenous and pretty long (3.8 miles). And do not forget that it will be very hot in summer. Anyway, once you reach the top, you will want to go on, just like we did.
(misery ridge trail)
Una volta scollinati il trail cambia nome e comincia la discesa. Starete percorrendo il Mesa Verde Trail e vi accorgerete di essere sul sentiero corretto quando intravederete una stranissima formazione rocciosa, la cui forma ricorda moltissimo il volto di una scimmia. Il suo nome ovviamente è Monkey Face.
Once at the top, the trail changes his name and the descent begins. You'll be hiking the Mesa Verde Trail and notice that you are on the right track when a strange rock formation appears in the background. It looks like a monkey face, its name is obviously Monkey Face.
(mesa verde trail & monkey face)
At the bottom, in the valley, the trail changes his name. Again. It becomes River Trail and runs along the Crocked River for about a couple of miles. It will take you at the starting point: you'll be tired, very tired, but aware that you've just contemplated the latest masterpiece offered by that unbelievable place in the world called Oregon.
(river trail)
HOTEL: Best Western Prineville Inn - Prineville
VALUE: ***
Newberry National Monument & Smith Rock State Park
La splendida Bend, Oregon
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