Eating well (and healthy) in the United States is possible, both in large cities and in remote townsin the middle of nowhere. The important thing is choosing carefully, which means using the advice of the locals, of the hotel's receptionists and, last but not least, two great advice dispensers on the internet, namely Tripadvisor and Yelp, the latter decidedly widespread in the United States. In the previous episode we talked about restaurant chains (10 best chain restaurants in the USA), now we definitely raise the level of quality trying to satisfy especially the fine palates with medium-high level restaurants: obviously this ranking is limited to our experiences and we are well aware that there are many other quality restaurants in the fifty american states ...
(No Name Pub, Big Pine Key - Florida)
Stato: Pennsylvania
Città: Philadelphia
Specialità: philly cheese steaks
indirizzo: 228 market Street
State: Pennsylvania
City: Philadelphia
Specialties: philly cheese steaks
address: 228 market Street
If you talk about Philadelphia then immediately you think of... Rocky, but not only. In the ranking of 10 things to see in Philadelphia (10 things to see in Philadelphia), in fact, there is not only the mythical steps of climbed by the famous character played by Stallone or the splendid Eastern State Penitentiary, but also and above all the culinary icon of the city, the Philly cheese Steak. A trip to Philadelphia isn't really complete without the famous Philly Cheese Steak, the main dish of the "Philly" cuisine. What is the Philly Cheese Steak? It's the sandwich invented almost a hundred years ago by the Italo-American Pat Olivieri: it immediately became a symbol of the city's street food. Although it can be prepared in different ways, the original Philly Cheese Steak is a sandwich with Cheez Wiz, beef and onion. Well, as always when we're about to taste a local specialty, we are looking for the best one. Who is it? For us it's Sonny's famous steak, a spartan place icon for locals and tourists from all over the world.
(Sonny's famous steaks, Philadelphia - Pennsylvania)
stato: Texas
città: San Antonio
specialità: pizza
indirizzo: 2048 S WW White Rd
state: Texas
city: San Antonio
specialty: pizza
address: 2048 S WW White Rd
When it comes to Big Lou's, we have to talk about Man Vs Food, the famous food program made famous by Adam Richman. And if you ask a resident of the beautiful San Antonio what is the third thing to do in the city (2013 road trip: Texas and New Mexico) after visiting Alamo and taking a walk along the lovely riverwalk, he will surely answer that "you don't want to leave San Antonio without having tasted the largest pizza in the United States, that of Big Lou's. Well, he is right. Of course, you don't come here only for the quality of the pizza (which is good), but to live the experience. It will probably take at least half an hour to get a table during the busy hours and remember to try trying not to get carried away. Some pizzas are truly large. And by large we mean 42 inches!
(Big Lou's, San Antonio - Texas)
stato: Oregon
città: Astoria
specialità: fish and chips
indirizzo: 1634 Duane St
Come può una una piccola barchetta diventare uno dei food truck più amati dell'intero Oregon? Semplice, servendo il miglior fish and chips degli Stati Uniti. Nello stato più bello degli Stati Uniti tra quelli più sottovalutati (al pari del Colorado), ovvero l'Oregon, non sorprende che uno dei ristoranti più gettonati sia situato lungo la strada, in un caratteristico food truck che richiama ogni giorno centinaia e centinaia persone. Bowpickers, che ha ricevuto diversi premi nel corso degli anni, è uno dei must quando si visita Astoria (2017 road trip: Kauai, Northern California and Oregon). Dove siamo? Lungo la bellissima e selvaggia costa dell'Oregon, a due passi (nel vero senso della parola) dal confine con lo stato di Washington. Dove, mentre starete cercando tutti i luoghi dei "Goonies", non potrete non fare tappa dal mitico Bowpicker.
state: Oregon
citt: Astoria
specialty: fish and chips
address: 1634 Duane St

stato: Illinois
città: Chicago
specialità: pizza
indirizzo: 500 N LaSalle Dr
Ancora Man Vs Food... e ancora un'altra pizza icona di un'altra città americana. Questa volta in copertina finisce la pizza alta di Chicago, la deep dish pizza, autentico fiore all'occhiello della scena culinaria di quella che a parer nostro continua ad essere la più bella città statunitense (2013 road trip: Chicago). Quando si parla di deep dish pizza, dimenticatevi non solo della nostra pizza, ma anche di quella "New York Style": letteralmente pizza del piatto profondo, è un impasto dai bordi molto alti e burrosi che viene riempito di formaggio, salsa di pomodoro e salsiccia e successivamente cotto in teglia. Sebbene qualcuno abbia asserito che fu inventata da Rudy Malnati nel 1943 (molti turisti scelgono di assaggiarla proprio in uno dei suoi ristoranti), noi abbiamo preferito una delle locations di Gino's East e siamo rimasti decisamente soddisfatti. Ecco, chiunque scegliate, cadrete in piedi. La deep dish pizza è proprio buona.
state: Illinois
city: Chicago
specialty: pizza
address: 500 N LaSalle Dr
(Gino's East, Chicago - Illinois)
stato: Illinois
città: Springfield
specialità: carne e pesce
indirizzo: 3045 E Clear Lake Ave
La route 66 (road trip 2016: Route 66, Hawaii, Seattle) è un viaggio che non può mancare tra gli appassionati di Stati Uniti d'America. Tra tutti gli itinerari possibili sparsi negli Stati Uniti, nessuno infatti regge il confronto con la "mitica" Route 66, perchè questa è l' America più pura, più genuina. E, una volta lasciata Chicago, non mancheranno le occasioni di cenare... con la gente del posto e come la gente del posto, il meglio che un on the road può offrire. Tra gli oltre 4000 km e otto stati attraversati, c'è una cena che ci ha colpito particolarmente, quella di Springfield, nell'Illinois, alla Chesapeake Seafood House. Dove siamo? Nella capitale dello stato, la città di Lincoln, dove dopo anni negli Stati Uniti riusciremo a cenare "all'italiana": tovaglia e tovaglioli in stoffa: filetto bardato al bacon, salmone al bourbon, due calici di vino, contorni e pane al burro offerto come appetizers. Il tutto per 53 dollari, impensabile in altre parti degli Stati Uniti. .Il merito però lo diamo alla recaptionist del nostro hotel che non ha esitato dicendoci che "alla Chesapeake Seafood House troverete il miglior rapporto qualità prezzo in città". E aveva abbondantemente ragione...
state: Illinois
city: Springfield
specialties: steaks and seafood
address: 3045 E Clear Lake Ave
Route 66 (road trip 2016: Route 66, Hawaii, Seattle) is a journey that can not miss among Usa addicted. Among all the routes across the United States, nothing compares to the "legendary" Route 66, because this is the purest and most genuine America. And, once you leave Chicago, there will be plenty of opportunities to dine ... with locals and like locals, the best that a road trip has to offer. Among the more than 4000 km and eight states crossed, there is one dinner that particularly impressed us, that of Springfield, Illinois, at the Chesapeake Seafood House. Where are we? In the state capital, the city of Abraham Lincoln, where we finally got the opportunity to dine "italian style: cloth tablecloth and cloth napkins: bacon-covered fillet, bourbon salmon, two glasses of wine, side dishes and butter bread offered as appetizers. All for $ 53, unthinkable in other parts of the United States. However, we give credit to the recaptionist of our hotel who did not hesitate telling us that "at Chesapeake Seafood House you will find the best value for money in town". And she was abundantly right ...
stato: Washington
città: Seattle
specialità: americana ricercata
indirizzo: 332 15th Ave E
Profondo northwest americano, a soli 150 miglia dalla British Columbia e quindi dal Canada. Siamo a Seattle (two days in Seattle), un po' fuori dalle tradizionali rotte turistiche del west americano, in uno stato, quello di Washington (da non confondere con la città, capitale statunitense) tra i più incantevoli e con la più alta qualità della vita del territorio americano. Pioviggina e fa spesso freddo (tra i tanti "nickname" di Seattle figurano "rain city" ed "emerald city" a causa delle rigogliose aree verdi), ma se cercate una città fuori dagli schemi, in cui non troverete mai per le strade persone indossare giacca e cravatta (o una, o l'altra) e dove non conta come appari, ma quello che fai e sai fare... ecco, Seattle è il posto giusto. Una città futuristica dal passato importante. Qui è nato il movimento musicale Grunge con i Nirvana ed i Pearl Jam, qui è nato Jimi Hendrix e da qui è passato lasciando un segno indelebile Bruce Lee, qui sono nati Starbucks e la Microsoft, qui ha sede la Boeing (a Renton, una quindicina di chilometri a sud della città). No, Seattle non è una città come le altre. Ed anche la scena culinaria non è di secondo piano. Nel quartiere gay della città, capitol Hill, consigliamo di non mancare "Smith", che noi abbiamo scelto perchè credevamo fosse la location dove erano soliti trovarsi i dottori di Grey's Anatomy (il pub "da Joe"). La verità è che non ne abbiamo avuto conferma, ma il cibo era molto buono e piuttosto ricercato.
state: Washington
city: Seattle
specialty: refined american
address: 332 15th Ave E
Deep American Northwest, just 150 miles from British Columbia and then Canada. We are in Seattle (two days in Seattle), a bit 'off the traditional tourist routes in the American West, in a state which is one of the most beautiful and with the highest quality of life, Washington state. Well, it rains a lot and often it's also very cold (among many Seattle's nicknames there are "rain city" and "emerald city" because of the lush green areas), but if you want a city outside the box, in which you will never find on the streets people wear jacket and tie at the same time and where it does not matter what you look like, but what you are and do ... well, then Seattle is the the best place. A futuristic city with an important past. The grunge music movement with Nirvana and Pearl Jam, was born here, Jimi Hendrix was born here, Starbucks and Microsoft were born here and Bruce Lee left an indelible mark. Also Boeing is based not far from Seattle, in Renton (10 miles south of the city). No, Seattle is not a city like any other. And even the culinary scene is not second-rate. In the gay neighborhood of the city, Capitol Hill, we recommend not to miss "Smith", which we chose because we believed it was the location where in the tv series Grey's Anatomy doctors used to meet each other ("Joe's" pub). The truth is that we have not had confirmation of tat, but the food was very good and refined
(Smith, Seattle - Washington)
stato: Florida
città: Big Pine Key
specialità: pizza/americana
indirizzo: 30813 Watson Blvd
Raggiungere Key West (Guida alle Florida Keys) da Miami, in auto, vale da sola il prezzo del biglietto. Ma ogni isoletta che attraverserete saprà regalarvi almeno un motivo per una sosta, più o meno lunga. Come quella popolata dai Key Deer, i cervi delle isole Keys, che vi prenderanno per mano e vi porteranno in uno dei pub più nascosti dell'intera Florida. Non a caso il suo nome è No Name Pub. E non a caso ad attendervi ci sarà un cartello che recita "you found it", l'avete trovato. Siamo nella piccola Big Pine Key, a due passi dal bellissimo Bahia Honda State Park, una zona che spesso viene snobbata dal turismo di massa che viaggia a vele spiegate verso Key West. Eppure, una visita al No Name Pub non dovrebbe mai mancare. Il motivo? No, non perchè non è comodo da raggiungere (anche se non è così difficile...) e neppure per la mega pizza che dicono essere la specialità della casa, ma perchè questo locale è letteralmente tappezzato di banconote da un dollaro. La cameriera vi consegnerà pennarelli e graffettatrice ed anche voi potrete lasciare il vostro ricordo sulle mura del No Name Pub.
Getting to Key West (Guide to Florida Keys) from Miami (by car) alone well worth the trip. But each island that you cross will give you at least one reason for a longer or shorter break. Like the one populated by the Key Deer, the deer typical of the Keys islands, who take you by the hand and lead you to one of the most hidden pubs in all of Florida. It is no coincidence that its name is No Name Pub. And it is no coincidence that there is a sign saying "you found it". We are in the small Big Pine Key, a stone's throw from the beautiful Bahia Honda State Park, an area that is often snubbed by mass tourism that travels towards Key West. Still, a visit to the No Name Pub should never be missing. The reason? Well, not because it is not easy to reach (honestyly it's pretty easy to get to the No Name Pub) nd not even for the pizza which is the house specialty, but because this place is literally covered with dollar bills. The waitress will give you markers and stapler and you can leave your memory on the walls of the No Name Pub too.
state: Florida
city: Big Pine Key
specialty: pizza / american
address: 30813 Watson Blvd
Getting to Key West (Guide to Florida Keys) from Miami (by car) alone well worth the trip. But each island that you cross will give you at least one reason for a longer or shorter break. Like the one populated by the Key Deer, the deer typical of the Keys islands, who take you by the hand and lead you to one of the most hidden pubs in all of Florida. It is no coincidence that its name is No Name Pub. And it is no coincidence that there is a sign saying "you found it". We are in the small Big Pine Key, a stone's throw from the beautiful Bahia Honda State Park, an area that is often snubbed by mass tourism that travels towards Key West. Still, a visit to the No Name Pub should never be missing. The reason? Well, not because it is not easy to reach (honestyly it's pretty easy to get to the No Name Pub) nd not even for the pizza which is the house specialty, but because this place is literally covered with dollar bills. The waitress will give you markers and stapler and you can leave your memory on the walls of the No Name Pub too.
(No Name Pub, Big Pine Key - Florida)
stato: Colorado
città: Estes Park
specialità: barbeque
indirizzo: 820 Moraine Avenue
Dalla Florida al Colorado (road trip 2019: Arizona, Colorado & Utah), dal mare alle montagne rocciose. Siamo nella gate town del parco nazionale delle montagne rocciose (Rocky Mountain National Park), Estes Park, una di quelle città che ci ha piacevolmente sorpreso. Solitamente le cittadine che affiancano i grandi parchi nazionali americani sono decisamente turistiche a discapito della qualità. Estes park ne è una piacevole eccezione. Due, sono infatti, i luoghi che abbiamo visitato e che non ci hanno deluso, dove abbiamo conosciuto gente del posto e vissuto per qualche ora... da gente del posto. Il primo è l'Elkins Distilling Co, un paio di miglia ad est di downtown, la prima ed unica distilleria di Estes Park. Potrete visitare la distilleria o semplicemente gustare un whisky (o un cocktail, tutti buonissimi) con una vista paradisiaca alle vostre spalle. Quando si parla di dove cenare ad Estes Park, invece, il nostro consiglio è invece di spingervi questa volta un paio di miglia ad ovest di downtown: se siete in cerca di un buonissimo barbeque il posto che fa per voi è lo Smokin Dave's BBQ, dal buonissimo rapporto qualità-prezzo. L'unica incognita può essere l'attesa...
From Florida to Colorado (road trip 2019: Arizona, Colorado & Utah), from the sea to the rocky mountains. We are in Estes Park, the gate town of the Rocky Mountain National Park, one of those cities that pleasantly surprised us. The towns that flank the great American national parks usually are decidedly touristy at the expense of quality. Estes park is a pleasant exception. There are, in fact, two places where we've been to and that didn't disappoint us, where we met locals and lived for a few hours ... as locals. The first place is the Elkins Distilling Co, a couple of miles east of downtown, the first and only distillery in Estes Park. You can visit the distillery or simply enjoy a whiskey (or a cocktail, all amazing) with a heavenly view behind you. But when it comes to places to dine in New York, our advice is to make your way to two miles west of downtown: if you're looking for a delicious barbeque, the right place for you is Smokin Dave's BBQ (very good value for money). The only unknown factor may be long wait ...
state: Colorado
city: Estes Park
specialty: barbeque
address: 820 Moraine Avenue
From Florida to Colorado (road trip 2019: Arizona, Colorado & Utah), from the sea to the rocky mountains. We are in Estes Park, the gate town of the Rocky Mountain National Park, one of those cities that pleasantly surprised us. The towns that flank the great American national parks usually are decidedly touristy at the expense of quality. Estes park is a pleasant exception. There are, in fact, two places where we've been to and that didn't disappoint us, where we met locals and lived for a few hours ... as locals. The first place is the Elkins Distilling Co, a couple of miles east of downtown, the first and only distillery in Estes Park. You can visit the distillery or simply enjoy a whiskey (or a cocktail, all amazing) with a heavenly view behind you. But when it comes to places to dine in New York, our advice is to make your way to two miles west of downtown: if you're looking for a delicious barbeque, the right place for you is Smokin Dave's BBQ (very good value for money). The only unknown factor may be long wait ...
(Smokin' Dave's Bbq, Estes Park - Colorado)
22) 66 DINER
stato: New Mexico
città: Albuquerque
specialità: americana/diner
indirizzo: 1405 Central Ave NE
New Mexico, il land of Enchantment. Lo stato con il cielo più bello del mondo, quello delle White Sands e di Santa Fe, della bomba atomica... e di Breaking Bad. Il New Mexico è stato il primo stato americano ad entrarci nel cuore (cosa vedere in New Mexico), così come il suo chili, vero marchio di fabbrica dello stato. Dopo tutto, come si evince dal nome, l'influenza del vicino Messico è importante. E, quando si parla di Chili, nulla batte il chili...verde, tipico proprio del New Mexico, che abbiamo avuto l'onore di assaggiare per la prima volta ad Albuquerque, in uno dei diner iconici della route 66, il 66 Diner. La zuppa al green chili, così come il Milk Shake, ce li sogniamo ancora di notte...
New Mexico, the land of Enchantment. The state with the most beautiful sky in the world, the state of the White Sands and Santa Fe, of the atomic bomb ... and of Breaking Bad. New Mexico is the first state we lost our heart to (what to see in New Mexico), as well as its chili, the true trademark of this state. After all, as the name implies, the influence of neighboring Mexico is important. And when it comes to Chili, nothing beats the... green chili which is typical of New Mexico. We had the honor of tasting it for the first time in Albuquerque, in one of the iconic diner of the route 66, the 66 Diner . We still dream about the green chili soup, as well as the Milk Shake...
22) 66 DINER
state: New Mexico
city: Albuquerque
specialty: american / diner
address: 1405 Central Ave NE
New Mexico, the land of Enchantment. The state with the most beautiful sky in the world, the state of the White Sands and Santa Fe, of the atomic bomb ... and of Breaking Bad. New Mexico is the first state we lost our heart to (what to see in New Mexico), as well as its chili, the true trademark of this state. After all, as the name implies, the influence of neighboring Mexico is important. And when it comes to Chili, nothing beats the... green chili which is typical of New Mexico. We had the honor of tasting it for the first time in Albuquerque, in one of the iconic diner of the route 66, the 66 Diner . We still dream about the green chili soup, as well as the Milk Shake...
(66 diner - Albuquerque, New Mexico)
stato: Texas
città: Driftwood/Austin
specialità: americana/barbeque
indirizzo: 18300 Farm to Market Rd 1826
La Mecca del barbeque texano? Il Salt Lick BBQ di Driftwood, alle porte di Austin (Salt Lick Bbq). E' vero, ormai si tratta di un ristorante sin troppo main stream anche grazie alla pubblicità che a suo tempo gli diede Man Vs Food, ma la carne alla brace del Salt Lick ha davvero pochissimi eguali. Non a caso il motto del ristorante è "like no other since 1967, anche se le ricette della famiglia Roberts risalgono addirittura al 1800. Ricordate vero che "everything is bigger in Texas"? E lo sapevate che anche la carne si scioglie come burro? Un bisteccone, diviso ovviamente in due perchè gigante, completo di due contorni più birretta a soli 45 dollari. Ah, birra rigorosamente texana perchè i texani prima sono...texani, poi americani.
The Mecca of the Texan barbeque? The answer is easy: the Salt Lick BBQ in Driftwood, just outside Austin (Salt Lick Bbq). It is true, it is now too on the nose thanks to the advertising that, at the time Man Vs Food gave to the restaurant, but the Salt Lick barbeque has very few equals. It is no coincidence that the restaurant's motto is "like no other since 1967 even if the Roberts family recipes have roots back to the wagon trains in the mid-1800’s.. Do you remember that" everything is bigger in Texas "? And did you know that even that the Salt lick steaks and barbeque melt like butter? A huge splitted steak, with 2 vegetables sides and beer for 45 dollars. Well, a texan beer, because Texans are... Texans first and then Americans.
state: Texas
city: Driftwood / Austin
specialty: American / barbeque
address: 18300 Farm to Market Rd 1826
The Mecca of the Texan barbeque? The answer is easy: the Salt Lick BBQ in Driftwood, just outside Austin (Salt Lick Bbq). It is true, it is now too on the nose thanks to the advertising that, at the time Man Vs Food gave to the restaurant, but the Salt Lick barbeque has very few equals. It is no coincidence that the restaurant's motto is "like no other since 1967 even if the Roberts family recipes have roots back to the wagon trains in the mid-1800’s.. Do you remember that" everything is bigger in Texas "? And did you know that even that the Salt lick steaks and barbeque melt like butter? A huge splitted steak, with 2 vegetables sides and beer for 45 dollars. Well, a texan beer, because Texans are... Texans first and then Americans.
(Salt Lick Bbq, Driftwood - Texas)